

Ask @AbdullahHarith

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Desc kecik

kecil, baik, comel, friendly, toyol. hyperactive, semangat... hahaha sorry kecik.. :) :)

bestla. rindu time main ngan kau

Ok.. thx sebab rindukan aku.. ada jugak org ingat aku. hahaha ^_^ ^_^

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pindahkan tempat, batu kecil ini, pindahkan ia ke sana ke mari. rindunyeeee

eeiii, mcm budak2. hahahhahha

How did people have fun 200 years ago?

main silent killer, capkalicap, pindahkan tempat, ABC, pasabelle, ketinting, dan lain2.
Liked by: Aira.

kalau aku dm kau soalan math syllabus form 3 kat twitter boleh bagitau jawapan dia x? tolong aku buat revision hehe..


Sape batch ko yg byk stamina?bagi 5 org

entahla.. saya tidak pasti.. saya x pandai ukur stamina.. hahaha, arman kot.. hmm syahir? dll...

What is the one thing that you think other people should know about you?

the pronunciation of harith is not, ha-rit or ha-ri-teh...
Liked by: Mong

Desc asyraf batch nine nine yg pindh time form one

baik. Insyaa Allah akan terus menjadi manusia yg lebih baik
Liked by: rie

Do you prefer Instagram or Facebook?

Facebook is for learning(from following informative pages) and getting information about my school activity. Instagram, I use it for uploading photos(Well, it is created for that) and I think instagram is better for that function because it is faster, plus, I just need to clickshare to share the pic in fb or twitter. Overall, getting through insta is more addictive, i get to see and know many things through picture, I also like searching pictures using hashtag. Hahah.. facebook is also not bad, it is just to heavy, i really appreciated some science pages, ukm confession
, tarbiah sentap and other pages for their info.. thankks, seriously, I learned more in fb. Huhu
Liked by: aimanhazimadely

berikan pendapat tentang MRSM Gemencheh.

I learned many things here. May Allah bless this place with barakah (as well as my new schooo). Just dont expect for perfection. There's no perfect school with perfect students and teacher and we wont have it.


Language: English