

Ask @AmyBraham

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how do you deal with all the attention? it seems everyday you get weird people trying to get with you. i think you are a beautiful gorgeous girl, but i feel like you want the attention...is that true?

I deal with it by answering it, idk, I never asked for the attention. on here I ask for questions so people can get a feel of what my thoughts are on stuff.
not my fault I don't get that c:
some people look up to me, some are intimidated, some hate me, I don't know why, all I do is upload photos of my face and act like a dork. I never meant for my name to get out a bit idk.
I don't think I'm famous or anything so why does attention matter? I get a lot of positive feedback and I'm not hurting anyone by it so I don't really understand why letting people know me and my interests comes across as bad when people notice I exist xD

Small boobs are the best! I don't know why people are obsessed with big boobs...? Anyways your replies are hilarious, keep it up x3

Yaziie Peacock
I just answer with my opinion bc I have really strong ones on certain subjects and I rarely get asked about them :p
heh me neither, I'd choose perky small boobs over big boobs that look nice in a bra but sag and separate to the belly without :p
but I do just love boobs ;3

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i probably like your real hair too and you never know you may like me, but the wig is hot. I went through your ask and your boobs aren't the biggest but you have a great body and wonderful taste in underwear, keep it up.

no my boobs aren't the biggest but guess what
big boobs aren't everything
at least they don't sag
or give me back pain
I like small boobs on other girls anyway
so pls don't make me want to punch you in the face.
I'm not a girl to fuck and chuck :)))
but you won't be getting the chance to find out :)))
Liked by: Yaziie Peacock

If i sent you cool merch from my store would you help me advertise? Just taking pictures and allowing then to circulate?

yeah man! I'd love that! I'm hopefully helping out another business soon too! xo fb message me :)

Do you believe in love at first sight, because I do, but someone could be blind and still fall in love with you, you're so much more then what people think, you're pretty much perfect in almost every way

shit you're so sweet.

Id do anything for your figure ;-;

can we swap then because I'm a lot larger than I'd like!
oh I heard you wanted to know where I got my contacts!!! pinkyparadise is the answer ;3 x
Liked by: marnie

you got such a lucky get away from jordan. he's a repulsive liar, he barely resembles alex gasksarth, as soon as someone breaks up with him he does something stupid and "ends up in hospital" which is total bullshit. so many poor girls have been in your position from that psychopath.


you know that studded/spikey top/bra thing you own, what do you wear it with? my friend got me one for my birthday and I haven't got a clue what to wear with it

i used to wear it with shorts and heels but it kinda broke idk
and i dont wear shorts anymore

because you're so perf would prefer a picture of you with a tail than some random chick

I'm waiting for a tail so ;3

How do you contour your nose?

I just get my powder and just put it either side of my nose and a light eyeshadow or white powder down the middle and blend it
idk if I do it again I'll make a photoset

So you you went to DHSG, and I wondered if you liked it, I go there now and people in my year are always going on about how shit our school is, and it really annoys me because some girls in poorer countries would love to have what we have and it annoys me, but I'm not brave enough to tell them

I hated it and yeah I guess you could see it that way but idk

She ruined my life. Anyway, ill just go play games and not sleep more. Thanks for talking, night

oh. sorry to hear.
hope you're okay soon dude x

Just putting this out there, I was one of the 'one day maybe I'll talk to you' people with Amy, then I just went for it, and now we're derping eachother on snapchat. It's easy as pie.

and you're visiting me soon lulz

Ahaha not me. I promise. Anyway, one day like I said :P goodnight beautiful princess :P

goodnight sweetcheeks c:
better be one day soon;c

Well I say it because I'm just some ugly birch with a crush on you (and I don't even like girls ahaha)

I doubt you're ugly
everyones beautiful in their own way
but pls talk to me x
Liked by: Aiden

Haha omg, that's actually how I do my makeup! So you'll think I should give circle lenses for school a shot? ;3

yea and I think you should tag me in a photo when you do it so I can be proud and call you beautiful


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