

Ask @AmyBraham

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give me reasons to stay in this world. don't give me bullshit reasons either.

-You have forever to be dead.
-For that comforting feeling when a cat finally allows you to pick it up and it stands by your side.
-Life can be beautiful.
-Everything will balance out.
-New albums.
-There’s still so much to discover.
-You are needed.
-Books you can’t put down.
-Hot cuppa tea.
-How awesome it feels when a class gets cancelled.
-Hearing a song that has been stuck in your head all day.
-The smell of cookies in the ovens.
-Surprise parties.
-When your parents are proud of you.
-Cute turtles.
-When your favourite song comes on the radio.
-Swimming pools.
-There are beautiful places to see.
-You need to complete a bucket list.
-You need to break more rules.
-You have art to see&create.
-You have boys to kiss.
-First dates.
-Kissing in the rain.
-Going to the beach.
-Overcome more obstacles.
-To fade your scars.
-Dancing like a maniac.
-Find something to believe in.
-Help someone worst off than you.
-Smiling at strangers.
-The sky is beautiful, vibrant and colourful naturally.
-Having perfect hair days.
-Finishing a piece of work that’s took ages.
-Babies laughter.
-Memories to be made.
-7 billion to meet.
-1 person to fall in love with.

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do you think ask.fm should shut down?

no, because if someone is not intelligent to recognise when they're being bullied and either disable their account or the anonymous option then they shouldn't be using the site anyway.
if I get messages now like ''people should be able to use ask without getting hate'' no. sites like ask.fm are prone to someone getting negative comments as people get all high and mighty behind their internet shields and I believe if you aren't strong enough to handle and accept that you WILL get hate at some point on this website then...
you shouldn't even internet.


Language: English