

Ask @AmyBraham

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If you could have 1 wish for christmas, for anything in the world to have or happen, what would it be?

probably that mum doesn't have mental health anymore. she's been in glenbourne 9 months tomorrow, and it's horrible, don't want her to go back there once she's out.

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I'm sorry, but he really does ok? When I saw you together you were so perfect and so happy, I just wish that you'd realise how much he truly loves you :c

we've broken up, feelings change. we had a different appearance behind closed doors compared to in public

I think it's stupid he cares, I just thought you were saying that caring isn't a fair reason and I didn't get it. What DID you mean?

I just meant maybe it isn't a stupid reason he cancelled but a fair one, like if he didn't want to why would he go anyway? wouldn't be fun for either
Liked by: Pigs n Pugs.

i dont know you but all the hate you get on here is awful and just plain nasty. its just jealous little people hiding behind a computer screen, dont let it get you down

it doesn't get me down anymore because I'm happy with the choices I've made recently, they've been good for me.

Are you sorry there ever was a relationship, or sorry it went bad?

wish we could've spared each other pain of never meeting....
but idk, he made me grow up and learn some good life skills so idk really
Liked by: Pandurr.

Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner?

there are so many! and people I wish I'd meet sooner that I will get to meet like Jordan&Ollie.
but, um, probably a lot of the people I'm good friends with now, because we may not be the closest bunch but we will stick up for each other.
this makes me want to cry because I've just woken up and can't remember who ;(

did he apologize to you? he was the cunt in my opinion, not you.

when I said I'm sorry he said "me too" so close enough really. Idk I don't want to be so sour about our relationship but I think it's because how fresh in our minds the bad stuff came to be, neither appreciates the good times at the moment because we were focused on destroying the other.
idk, I just want to chill with friends and smoke tbh.....maybe some league idk
Liked by: Pandurr.

he even admitted he was horrible to you

I guess he'll be pleased he has a stalker ey? I don't care pls stop bringing up my ex, it's really sad now.
Liked by: Sophie Wood

You think he's stopped giving a shit about you? No one is that heartless. No one makes you cold, you do that yourself.

not at all, I shut off and defend myself from getting hurt. I don't suddenly stopped caring, my care cup has been emptying over the last few weeks. and trust me he has!

And this is why people leave you, you're so black hearted. Goes out with a guy for months, forgets about him as soon as you split up. I don't know what messed you up, but it's pretty ugly to see.

he did! we drifted for months and fell out too much. I haven't forgotten about him, as Jen said to me "I'm going to have emotional scars for years" we are different people now, and he made me so cold.
Liked by: James Warren

I dont know you I know but I just thought I would tell you your pretty,I follow you and btw dont let those twat anons get to you they obviosly have no lives :3. xx

DavidFlack133’s Profile PhotoILLUSIONIST 121
it's basically Troy :') I have too much love from friends and that for anything people say to get to me :')
Liked by: ILLUSIONIST 121

Amy, Your beautiful and one of the most nicest people I have ever seen. All the hate your ex is giving you is complete bullshit and he didn't deserve you at all. Now I don't know the story or what happened in your relationship, but regardless of what went on you don't deserve to be put down.

undeadcreation’s Profile PhotoNikki Kern
Thankyou sweetheart you're amazing.
Liked by: Nikki Kern


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