

Ask @AmyBraham

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How do you 'slim' your nose? I have everything to do it I think I just need to know how

I didn't know how yo describe it so here's a bad 2min ago photo. I'm wearing no other make up so it didn't blend and I had no highlighter but contour the sides of your nose and then highlight the middle section and blend, not together but so the lines aren't ad clear, this isn't my best example xD

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Who has been the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?

LeighJaime’s Profile PhotoJaime-leigh
my mum, although she is very unwell and I don't get to see her very much anymore she's never let her health get in the way of her parenting. she is so inspiring. I don't think I could handle anything without her, she's so supportive and fair when it comes to my interests and choices but knows the limit to giving me freedom. she spoils me rotten which could be why I can be a brat. people ask me if it bothers me that I'm her carer; I'm not. her episodes help me understand what she goes through and it's formed me better, I've grown up in some aspects and lacked a bit on a childhood and the only bad side to that is that I'm still very immature. I really admire and love my mumma.

you are so fucking great, think you are the only person in plymouth that knows of lolita let alone wears it i love you so much you cutey

hehe I saw one other person wear it for a cosplay (which isn't the right way to wear it ofc apart from exceptions) but yes, I wish more people wore it, i'd arrange a tea-party at a café for Loli's but none are anywhere to be seen :(
Liked by: Ashleigh Chelly

You're 16 and getting your mouth and ass fucked...

17....and yes, with a long term partner, so what we like to experiment to find what we like, it's a natural thing to do.
Liked by: Charlotte Thomas

If you consider yourselves so worthy of life, anons, why on earth are you spending that life getting keyboard-y with a 16 year old girl? That makes no sense. You're as bad as you're saying she is, and if you came off anon like a man, no doubt you'd get threefold worse back.

dudewheresmysword’s Profile PhotoTroy Funk
Liked by: If you seek Amy

Where you shall die of diabetes .thats disgusting I am 13 and I have diabetes have some respect "princess"

it's not serious, but I am also not taking the piss.
it's quite difficult to die from diabetes so just lighten up and get off the internet
Liked by: J. Jaime-leigh


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