

Ask @BeckaHunt

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The white rose, it symbolizes the unique beauty of all the women who actually wish to be with a nice guy such as myself


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So you wanted a baby?

My daughter was a surprise. I found out I was pregnant at 17 weeks and 1 day. I do NOT believe in abortions. It's wrong. You are killing a human. That little human did nothing wrong.

What are your views on abortion? Well spoke about topic, I am pro-abortion IF the "baby" is still a fetus, anything beyond 1month I disagree with. What's your opinions? (sent to all my folllowers)

I disagree with abortions. If you had unprotected sex then there is a chance of getting pregnant. If you didn't want to get pregnant then don't have sex

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

if its isaac cooking dinner then id rather go out ahahahah x

Are you a SAHM or working mom? Do you plan on changing that at any point?

SAHM.. But i want that to change x

Opinions on each brothers girlfriend

I LOVE Mattie's girlfriend. Shes my daughters god mother and we also call her Auntie Rach:'), she's great. She's like my sister! I can talk about everything with her. Was there for me throughout my pregnancy and never left. She's great with my daughter☺
Dont like Bens girlfriend. She's a fake:).
My little bro Will dont have a girlfriend:)

Funny How you dont answer cause secretley you know your letting your family and your daughter down talking to him Nice move love

Letting my family down? No love I'm not. They are proud of me. So suck my dick.
Letting my daughter down? By letting her dad come back into her life? You serious? He's her fucking dad. She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.
Stop asking me questions you freak. My life has NOTHING to do with you.

Opinions on your baby daddy didnt he like destroy you dont let him back in he will destroy your daughter is that what you want????

My daughters dad has a name, Bradley.
Yeah he was a cunt to me and left me broken hearted. But if he wants to be a dad to HIS daughter I won't stop him. He knows he has to prove things to me. And if he really wants everything he tells me he wants then he will do anything to be apart of his daughters life.
Just because he destroyed me doesn't mean he will destroy his own flesh and blood.
None of this even matters to you. Its what me and him decide. No one else.
Liked by: Rachel Stillgoe

If you and brad ever spoke again would you let Evie Mai see her other sibling?

Me and brad are speaking again. But that's got nout to do with you..
Liked by: HmÖod

If a girl, your age, that you talk to but not close with got pregnant would you get closer to her? Or even if it was a boy in the same situation?

Depends. I'd talk to her/him. Not sure about the closeness bit though.
Liked by: HmÖod

But how do you cope with everything? I don't have any money and im still in school? Im scared

I was still in school as well but then I finished with all my grades, I went to prom and everything. if you just put your mind to it you'll get through it. I'm sure your mum will help you. I'm sure when you go to school someone will be able to look after your baby. you'll be fine. xx

ADVICE PLEASE? im 14 and recently found out im pregnant. The father has left me and has said he doesn't want anything to do with me. I cant abort the baby, its not right. What do i do?

keep the baby!; I'm a single mum and I love it. I'm sure you have a lot of people who will help you out? i don't believe in abortion. its your choice but if that was me I'd keep the baby and raise him/her on my own. good luck sweetie. & congratulations x
Liked by: (Issac's Mommy)

How Bradley can wake up every morning and go to sleep every night knowing he has you an Evie-Mai makes me sick as he doesn't care!! How can he live not seeing her!! Urgh prick

i know. her dad is a cock. but its fine she has me and always will! I'll never walk out on her like he did x

That's not good enough

Nor are you. I have better things to do then waste my time with fakes. bye bye.


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