
Amy Lovett✌

Ask @AmyLovett

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I've spoke to the person about some stuff but not how I'm feeling, I ha the chance to tell them but I never, and anyway te person is always jumping from person to person

hmm, tbh it's probably best not to say much else if they jump from person to person, fair enough if you like them but it's not fair on you if you're making the effort to try with someone that does that, cause it sounds like they're playing games with your feelings and it's not fair on you

When the person makes me at my saddest it's cause they make out they like me but don't make effort to speak to me but make effort to speak to other people, and when they make me happy it's just cause the persons there and when they look at me with their eyes it's hard to explain

ah right okay, have you spoken to this person about how you're feeling?

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How is it that someone can make you the saddest person but also make you the happiest

It just depends on how they make you feel at different times when you're with them, if that makes sense? in what ways do they make you feel your happiest and your saddest?

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Fuck I have an exam on Friday
I'm not emotionally physically or mentally prepared for this
Anyone good at higher history here?

Are you romantic? Why or why not?

Middle of April and it's ticking freezing
Right Scotland get with the times its coming into summer ffs

What kind of watch do you wear?

Getting fed up of school so much
hate everyone there
hate the subjects
but don't have the confidence to go to college
Damn it confidence you couldn't have been worse at a better time

What was the last song you sang out loud to?


Is that saying true though 'drunk words are sober thoughts' and yeah I suppose it is better that way, thank you and ive got you on fb

It must be,it's worked with me
No problem,always here to help :)
If you ever need someone to talk to about anything,Im always here to listen and try my best to help :)

When he was drunk he said he liked me when he first met me, but he didn't tell me cause he thought I hated him and I think told him I liked him to and I would probably rather I told him

If you think about it,dunk words are sober thoughts,so he might still like you if you mentioned it,its better coming from him than one of his friends or finding out at an unexpected time
If you don't mind me asking,who is this? If you have me on Facebook,pop up? but of you'd rather stay anonymous that's fine,as long as you're happy about me helping you out :)

I have no idea what to say to him

If it helps,just tell him how you feel about him and how long you've felt the way you do,just come straight out with it,so he knows for sure how you feel about him,cause like I said,it's better knowing that you've told him and either things going great or you stay friends,rather than keeping it bottled up,making yourself feel worse and him not even knowing what's going on,if you want to make it easier for you,would you rather tell him yourself or would you rather someone did it for you?

I don't understand though cause we only speak when he's drunk or I'm drunk, should o speak to him when I next see him

I think it's best to talk to him,just so he's aware of how you feel,whether you like him or not,try and get a chance to talk to him on his own when he's sober so that he knows how you feel about him and if he feels the same,great,but if not at least you've told him how you feel about him

That's the thing when I'm sober o don't like him then when I'm drunk I do like him and now I'm sober I kike him just as a friend just now, and i told everyone I don't dind him attractive and I don't like him but i wish I didn't say that

It's seems like you only find him attractive when you're drunk,but if you do feel like you really are attractive to this guy,I would go for it before you change your mind,but if you really don't think you're attracted to him,I would just stay friends with him,because its better knowing youve tried and youre still in contact with him rather than not trying and possibly losing him as a friend,and again,it really doesn't matter what your friends think,it's all about how you feel and what makes you happy :)

I didn't like him when I first met him cause he was weird when he was drunk towards me but we sorted everything out and he was just a dick again but I do find him attractive and none of my friends like him and I don't know what to do

Tbh it doesn't matter if your friends don't like him,if you find him attractive then that's fine,it's your choice who you like and who you don't like . But then again,I can understand where you're coming from if you didn't like him when he was drunk,because you don't know what he's thinking at this point,even if he says anything, but as I say if you like him then just go for it,who knows what might happen,but don't force yourself to like him,just do what you feel is right :)

I didn't like him when I first met him cause he was weird when he was drunk like proper weird then we sorted things out and he just started vein weird again and I do find him attractive but none of my friends like him and I don't know what to do

Tbh it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about what you find attractive,if you like someone just go for it,who knows what might happen,but I can see where you're coming from,if he was drunk then it's less likely you'll like him because you dunno what he's thinking at this point,but if you do feel like that,I would go for it,you might get lucky :)

Yeah, I used to really not like him cause of the way he acted and then the other night I started to like him cause we spoke and thay but he ruined it and now i can't decide if I like him or not

hmm,what was it he done for you not to like him anymore?

How do you stay fit?

I have a really good method:
Step One:Stay in bed
Step two:Sit on your arse as much as you can
Step Three:Go to McDonald's
You'll be fit as fuck

What's the thing you say the most?

fuck off
swivel on a cactus
get to fuck
you mongol
you just got pied
don't currr


Language: English