
Austin wallis

Ask @Austin445544

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Person below is correct about Matt 😕 he uses people and then trashes them and bullies them once he's done getting what he wants. Ask his ex boyfriend Nick. And Ryan Minaj, ElloSteph, JellyandDay and a girl called Joey I believe her YouTube is TheBlondewolf2 he did it to all of them. He's vile 😔

I'm actually friends with all of those people. I don't want to trash anybody but I can say if I was given an opportunity to do a Calab with Matthew I would probably decline mainly to just stay out of drama
Liked by: Emily salvas

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Are you feeling better today? (:

I'm feeling a lot better I actually ended up going to the emergency room and they found out I was very dehydrated

Matthew Lush is an emotional abuser PLEASE don't collab with him, he's a nasty bully and a liar from personal experience and what he did to my friend, you guys are so much better than that 😘

I will take that into consideration
Liked by: noah

Hey Austin, I'm going through a bit of trouble with my school rn. Mic.com just put out an article about it and everything is getting a bit crazy. Your posts inspire me. Do you have any advice on how to safely cause change? Twitter- @thelanceluther

Lance Sanderson
Never let hate get you down media will try to hurt you but always fight back and come out stronger

You never respond to my snapchats :( lol

I really don't respond to a lot of my Snapchat so people don't think I choose favorites. I love all of my fans and I love seeing their snaps

Austin , you haven't made any videos for a while now but i'm going to give you a chance , because we all know that everyone has their personal life and i hope the fans/viewers understand that , i'm wishing your boyfriend (Nicolay) the best of luck.

Thank you we love you ❤️


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