

Ask @B0bduh

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Does Madoka have weak characters?

Not particularly. Mami doesn't really have the time to be developed, and Madoka herself is almost an ideal, but Homura, Sayaka, and Kyouko are all very solid characters.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

What was the last thing you added to your book before proofing and revisions? Like, you had the story, characters, themes, and all that down, but what was the last piece? Or I should ask, what was the /new/ broad part added to it? Or was it just the specifics at the end?

One of the last things I did was a general altering and filling out of many of the scenes with a couple of the biggest side characters, making sure they had fully articulated arcs. Caleb in particular is kind of a key character, and it took me a while to figure out how to best express both his natural personality and what he represents in the story.

Was Aldnoah.zero prettier than SAO? I thought it was. Here I thought SAO was going to have the most money dumped into it this season.

"Prettier" is kind of a tough term - I definitely think Aldnoah.Zero "looked better" than SAO, but that's a combination of art design, direction, and Aldnoah just showing us much more interesting things. There's only so much you can do with two dudes conveying exposition in a modern-day restaurant, whereas Aldnoah.Zero was conveying exposition in all sorts of interesting places. And yeah, that sequence of finale shots was gorgeous. They really conveyed the "beautiful and terrible" sense of awe they were going for.
As for "money dumping," again, that won't really directly lead to something looking more beautiful. You have to make intelligent aesthetic choices, which is actually something SAO's first season was quite good at. It remains to be seen whether that will be true of this one.

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Have you seen the original Sailor Moon? Do I need to have seen the original Sailor Moon to watch Crystal?

No and no.

In Tatami Galaxy and Jinrui it always wonders me why the author doesn't name their MC. Is there specific purpose for it?

For Tatami Galaxy, you could make a strong argument that the protagonist is "Watashi" because the show takes place from so deep inside his head. We aren't just trapped with his narration, we see his version of reality, and that self-centric worldview is reinforced by the protagonist assuming they are the universal "I". For Jinrui, that seems like a harder argument to make, so it may just be a style choice, or something more relevant to the source material.


Not particularly? I've got too much other stuff to watch before I can even think about something like that.

So how's your backlog going? What're you watching now?

Very slowly! I was planning on watching Haibane Renmei, but got sidetracked by FMA, and am now about a dozen episodes into that.

How much time each day do you currently spend answering questions from strangers on the internet?

About 30-40 minutes, maybe?

Have you studied or considered studying Japanese any?

Yep. Studied it for a year in college and definitively realized I am terrible at languages. It was pretty frustrating to come in for vocab exams after having written flashcards and studied for solid hours the previous night, only to see classmates briefly glance at the list in the minutes before the teacher arrived and subsequently outperforming me on the quizzes. Holy shit do I suck at raw memorization.

Do you think 12 episodes will be enough for Aldnoah Zero to properly articulate all of the ambitious things it hinted at?

No, but fortunately it's two cour.

Just how good was Aldnoah.Zero's first episode after watching SAO's predictably crappy first episode? It laid so much groundwork for themes like conflict within humanity, birth social status/discrimination, and exploitation of youthful naivety! It even had a hint of Evangelion, in my opinion.

It laid a ton of groundwork, but kinda had to force the information to do that. It reminded me of Fate/Zero's first episode, actually - it had a ton of exposition to get through, and so had to sacrifice being graceful in order to get through its own material. But that's hopefully done with now, and so with any luck the next episode will have a bit more room to breathe.

How will you live knowing you no longer have Love Live to look forward to every week to watch Nozomi and NicoMaki? It's just not worth going on anymore man

Yeah dude life is harsh. Time to embrace Nico Nico Nihilism.

I just finished watching Revolutionary Girl Utena, oh bob my heart melt down like a piece of chocolate in a sunny day, did you get as impressed as i did when you watched it for the first time?

Yesssss it's soooo goooooood. Utena has ruined anime for me.

So how are you liking the return of "The Smartest Anime In Years"?

This first episode was pretty boring, but that's about all it was. Also DEATH GUN.

How would you recommend watching Kyousougiga? Should I watch the ONA and then the TV episodes? Can (and should) I dive right into episode 0 and just watch the TV series?

The ONA is the same content as episode 0. Personally, I recommend skipping it and just starting with episode 1, since it spoils later stuff.


Language: English