

Ask @B0bduh

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Why do you think many critics (mostly film) use such fancy vocabulary?

A broad vocabulary is useful because it affords you precision. It's the difference between "it was good" and "it was paced well and had energetic direction," except applied to more narrow/esoteric cases as you become more precise with your words. This is very important for critics, who are attempting to articulate very specific causes and results of craft choices, and really is a great help to anyone attempting to think more precise thoughts. Not just /articulate/ those thoughts - a broad vocabulary full of precise words even helps you process your feelings /internally/, offering you new mental avenues for labeling and assessing phenomena. Precise sentiments require precise words, and critics by their nature tend to embrace turning broad emotional sentiments into precise sets of stimulus->response craft reactions.
Granted, some people just use big words because they think big words are by themselves a sign of intelligence. But if you flex your vocabulary just to look smart when your word choices aren't natural fits for the points you're attempting to make, you definitely won't come off as intelligent. It's not the words themselves that matter - it's the thought patterns they enable or facilitate.

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Dammit, Bob. I thought Cross Game was a hotblooded sports shounen. Few chapters in and I'm crying. Does it shift focus into a full-blown sports manga later on, or is it like Ping Pong with the characters at the center?

It broke your heart to build you again, stronger this time. It's about baseball and people.

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havent you read kizu yet?

No, and I have no interest in doing so. The adaptation has significantly elevated the material, and I don't really care about learning the plot beats. Plot is details.

Ever consider adding Wolf Children to your watch list? It's my favorite Mamoru Hosoda's films.

Oh, I'm definitely going to watch it. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is my favorite non-series-associated anime film.

When you do writeups, do you constantly pause to take those screencaps? Doesn't that kinda affect your enjoyment of an episode?

I've gotten used to it. I actually pause things all the time anyway, and am really bad at sitting and remaining focused on a show/film in general. Very rarely can a piece of media trick me into being fully engaged with it.

How do you feel about the Supreme Court basically deciding women don't deserve to be treated like people?

It's unsurprising, and that makes me really, really tired. "Free speech" is a cute phrase, but some speech will always impinge on other speech, and this time they decided that someone's right to believe something made up is more important than someone else's right to be healthy and safe. This is the kind of stuff that will mark us as a "primitive society" in history books, if we last long enough to reach a better one.

On a scale of 10 to 10, how much do you want Kizu?

I honestly don't care that much. It's apparently Araragi-heavy, it features the characters /minus/ all their great development, and I'd rather continue the story towards its ending.

what is one mistake you see a lot of non anime fans make when it comes to anime?

Assuming all of it's for children, and also assuming most of it isn't for children.

Not to sound greedy, but when are you going to post your SAO 24 write-up? The anticipation of seeing your hope turn to bitter despair is going to kill me.

Midday tomorrow. Despair is coming, just need to proof it.

How do you think your education differed from going to a private liberal arts college, as opposed to a large, state university (i.e. what was different about Vassar compared to going to SUNY)?

The nature of the discussions. Pretty much all my literature and creative writing classes contained between eight and eighteen students, meaning all our classes were roundtable discussions, not lectures to larger groups of students. A lot of active participation, a lot of opinion stress-testing, etc.

How do we know you're not the person asking all these questions, and that this isn't just a sad echo chamber of a delusional anime critic

Oh no I've found me out :(
Liked by: Guy Shalev

Was your score of Ren hurt by how good the first season of Chuunibyou was?

Goodwill from season one was all that got me /through/ Ren. It didn't need any help earning its score.

Which parts of madoka were the ones that made you cry? Or at least the closest to it (not necesarilly sadness tears)

Kyouko's last declaration to Sayaka, Madoka's "if anyone says there's no reason to hope" speech. I seriously get kind of misty-eyed just thinking about either of those two scenes.

Sorry bobby kun i wont try to rank things ever again u.u

Haha it's okay, ranking things is fun. But when things are really good, I'd just rather talk about that - why they work, what they mean to me.

Bobby-kun between the kyoko vs witch sayaka, eva 1 vs eva3 fights which dou you think was the moat emotive?

This is basically exactly why ranking things can easily become a negative thing. Both of those scenes are tremendous, emotionally charged triumphs of anime as a medium, and ranking them is the least meaningful, most reductive way you could react to them.

Why isnt steins;gate ranked higher on your list? What makes it not so good

Nothing, I just think other shows are better. Being on the list is already a good thing.

Do you think sakurasou wouldve been better if mashiro had been written differently?

Yes, significantly. The show had other issues (repetitive conflicts, for one), but her being a non-character drags the rest of the show down with her. Conflicts with her all become one-sided affairs because she's not an active participant in the narrative, and Sorata being all "I can't imagine life without Mashiro!" becomes an immersion-breaking statement when she's just sort of banging her head against a wall in the corner.

Are you expecting SAO S2 to be as "rapey" as the first season or do you think they'll dial it back?

I've heard the second arc is the worst, so I'm hoping they'll dial it back. I do still expect the show to use its female characters as tools to illustrate Kirito's greatness, though. It just wouldn't be Sword Art Online otherwise.

How do you feel about the fact that Love Live is now the bestselling anime of all time, beating out previous records set by Madoka. Also apparently total sales numbers are generally going up over time?

I don't really feel anything about it, I guess? It's pretty in line with what has been successful within the current anime-buying market in the past. Nice to hear that total sales are going up, though.

you would really enjoy punk and guitar-based rock, do you have a last.fm or anything i can track your full music taste on cause i already know about your anime taste

That's pretty lopsided, though - it was updated consistently for a couple years in college, but didn't exist before then and has been pretty inconsistently updated since then. Still, it's something.

SAO episode 24 about sealed the show's status as a complete 10/10 masterpiece did it not?

It sure sealed its status as something.

Do you get all the ladies with your sexy voice? Asking for a friend.

I'd get far more writing done if I weren't continuously untangling myself from the arms of ladies entranced by my sexy voice.


Language: English