

Ask @B0bduh

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What do you think makes Negima better than other shonen manga?

Narrative/action scene inventiveness, mainly. Stuff like the school festival time travel war, or the stadium fight with Jack Rakan, are both creative and generally grounded in stuff that's all been built up. It kind of falls into "Negi is great at everything/just needs to power up harder" dullness near the end, it doesn't go as far as it should with its awareness of "shounen protagonist stupidity" relative to what makes Negi a unique protagonist, and the potential for the last arc to make best use of the wild array of characters/powers is kind of squandered, but its heights are pretty high. It has many ideas, and to a lesser extent shares HxH's understanding that shounens are at their best when straight-up power contests don't solve very much.
This is all relative to what other shounen anime/manga I've seen/read, of course - DBZ, Bleach, Naruto, Kenshin, HxH, and aborted attempts at starting others. It's not really my genre.

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Do you ever watch big summer blockbusters like Godzilla? Which ones have you liked the most?

Sometimes! I like Christopher Nolan's movies. I liked The Avengers. I like, uh, Aliens. I think Brad Bird's great, and that his Mission Impossible was very good. I really liked the newest James Bond movie, and have enjoyed a bunch of them over the years. I like Super 8 and all the Spielberg movies it was riffing on.

What was your reaction when you first saw how fast the dialogue went in the Tatami Galaxy?

"Oh hey, this guy talks pretty fast." Thrilling, I know.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

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Would you agree that the vast majority of anime, manga, and Japanese video games are designed to encourage pornographic fanart?

Not at all, and that's a ridiculous thing to say.

Which anime was "actively angered" you more, Mahouka or OreImo?

OreImo, definitely. Mahouka actually didn't really get any emotion out of me, it just gets an auto-1 because it falls in that "negative influence on the world" category.

Have you played FF12? If so, what did you think of it

I only played maybe the first quarter of it. From what I remember, the storytelling was a cut above standard Final Fantasy fare, but I didn't get far enough to really see where it went. As for the combat system, it was really compelling in theory (program your own battle tactics!), and occasionally infuriating in practice (herd cats in real time!). I probably just never got good enough at it to give it a fair critique, though - it seemed pretty brilliant, and I at least respect Square for taking a style leap like that.

Are you worried that the Series Composer for Aldnoah Zero is the writer behind the Boku no Pico series of OVAs?

Not particularly. Shinbo also directed a whole mess of porn, and he turned out okay.

I finished watching Mahou Shoujo Modoka ★ Magica, and I was wondering what makes it so good. Please answer in your own form of analysis.

I wrote a post about Urobuchi's shows in general a while back:
As for Madoka specifically, I have a cliffnotes review of it in my top shows list:
Hell, here's an old ask.fm answer about why Kyouko is a great character:
Here's a nice post by someone else about Madoka as a reflection of feminine power:
Here's another nice post specifically about Sayaka's arc:
I've also seen great breakdowns of Madoka from various structural and religious perspectives, as well as a breakdown of its visual language, but I can't seen to find them at the moment. Either way, whatever reasonable angle you attack it from, it will probably reward you. The show is about as rich and well-crafted as a piece of media can be.

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Liked by: EddyAntiStu

Why do you always answer all my questions immediately even though you have a backlog?

I guess you ask questions that I tend to have immediate answers for?

Ever considered given Sailor Moon a try? It is where Kunihiko Ikuhara got his start in anime and it is the original magical girl feminist icon series. (Also Hideaki Anno apparently thinks highly of it.)

The Ikuhara connection interests me, but I'm dissuaded mainly by how long it is. It would take me a year to get through Sailor Moon.

You haven't played FF6 or Chrono Trigger? What kind of childhood did you have?!

An impoverished one defined more by books than videogames. I didn't get a gaming console until the N64.

Feel any inclination to ever try the Witcher games?

They do seem like the kind of thing I would have enjoyed, but at this point, a game has to work pretty damn hard to grab my attention. If a game takes 20 hours to complete, that's like four shows I could have watched. Is what it offers going to be more meaningful to me than those four shows put together?
It's actually kind of funny to me now when games tout how many hours of gameplay they contain as a selling point. I value my hours! I don't have that many of them!

What's on your video game backlog?

Fuuuck, I had a really well-defined one a while back. Let me try to remember (and by that I mean google top game lists and combine them with what I do remember)...
Chrono Trigger (currently playing)
Silent Hill 2
Final Fantasy VI
To the Moon
Gone Home
Analogue: A Hate Story
The Last of Us

I hope we're getting at ;east a small review of Shiki. It's definitely one of my favorite anime and its as good as 'horror' anime can get.

Oh yeah - I've got a bit of an outline already worked out. It's going to end up pretty high on my favorites list.

Dark Room Yaoi Girl could have sparked your ultra wacky college romcom. Missed opportunity.

Aw, damnit. I should have waited around for the rest of the club's lovable misfits to arrive and turn my life upside down.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Any thoughts on Bioware writing?

It's solid! They're one of the good guys, and actually make engaging, character-focused narratives. And I will eternally applaud Jennifer Hepler for her suggestion of a button that lets you fast-forward through gameplay if you just want to see the story play out. You can fast-forward through dialogue if you're just in it for the gameplay - why can't it go the other way around? A button like that would have gotten me through many more games! I actually really want to know what happens at the end of Bioshock Infinite and Persona 3, but I don't have the time or inclination to play more hours of Generic Shoot Man 2013 or Tarot Pokemon to get there.
...of course, Jennifer Hepler eventually left Bioware after facing harassment and death threats from our wonderful gaming community. Videogames, everybody!

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Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

does your local anime meetup group hate you ? they hate me

I haven't gone to an anime club meeting since I checked out my anime club in college and it was just one girl watching yaoi in a dark room.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

If you could absorb the life experience of one human being and remain yourself in the process. Who would you absorb? You don't really have a choice not to theres a sniper on the roof.

Kurt Vonnegut, probably.

"Incidentally, one of my other pet peeves is stories that refuse to actually show happy, fully-formed relationships, so there'll be plenty of that too." You're a writer after my own heart, bobduh. Also, when are you going to answer my question about the difference between feeling and thinking?

I'll get to it! It's a question that actually requires me to think and compose a meaningful answer, which means it might take a little longer. No question left behind!
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Are antismoking ads effective?

I kinda doubt it. People don't smoke because they don't know it's unhealthy - they smoke because it's an enjoyable social/cultural thing. Smoking is cool, smoking brings people together, smoking is what your friends are doing, smoking gives you something to do, etc. These aren't motivations you can counter just by telling people smoking is bad for them.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47YPs-qwNQU, Thoughts on Final Fantasy 13 and why it was a commercial success?

It's an awful, awful, awful, awful, awful game. Very likely the worst game I have ever played. You run down a corridor and are very slowly taught a simplistic game of Simon Says that replaces any real combat system. The writing and characters are at first laughably bad and then just infuriatingly grating. Even the art direction has no cohesion whatsoever, meaning you're just wandering through a series of shiny museum exhibits. You continuously push forward and click a repetitive sequence of buttons while the game insults your intelligence in every way it possibly can. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I'd say "momentum" is probably why it was a commercial success. People had faith in the Final Fantasy brand, and all their games have tremendous marketing pushes. I can't connect the game's success to any of its inherent qualities. It has no inherent quality.

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How long did it take for you to learn to deal with, and learn from, criticism (not just w.r.t to writing, although that's where it's most relevant, but in general)? This, of course, assumes that you HAVE learnt how to do that :P

If criticism is something you can eventually become emotionally detached from, I certainly haven't reached that point myself. You just kind of have to separate the sting from the constructiveness, which means I often go through little cycles of "oh no they hate it I'm worthless" -> "whatever not like they know shit about writing anyway" -> "okay I can see why they said that, and they're probably right about this and this, but I disagree with this part."
It's important to realize that criticism is not what The World thinks of your work or your persona - it's what this specific person does, and they have their own perspective and system. Don't just take their criticism at face value - examine it, examine what you wrote, make your own choices. Debate the criticism in your head. This doesn't mean just saying "nuh uh, I knew you'd say that and it's because your face is dumb" - criticism is often helpful because it breaks us out of our default assumptions, so take advantage of that and try to see if there's some truth there. Oftentimes criticism will actually point out stuff you really do know you need to work on, but just haven't acted on.
It's also important to internalize that anything you are creating at any given moment is probably going to be terrible in the eyes of a near-future you, and that near-future you is the only person you should be trying to impress, but you should be working REALLY HARD to impress that person. And sometimes other people will be able to help you impress that person, by pointing out stuff that you might not see from your own perspective. And unless they're just being an unconstructive dick about it, this is a /service/ they are offering you - they cared enough about what you write or what you do to say something instead of just moving on.
But I've been getting harsh criticism on what I write or do for years and years, and it still stings, so I dunno. Maybe it's possible to take comfort in that? It's hard for everybody. We're always going to write/do things people don't like, or don't agree with, or even misinterpret. You can't make everyone happy, you can only make what feels true to you and try your hardest at it. If you learn from the process, they can throw rocks at the result all they want. If you learn something from their criticism, the sting means you've become greater than you were. And if the criticism seems like nonsense, then laugh about it. Criticism itself can't lessen your work - either the issues were there and you learned something, or the issues weren't there and nothing changes. No one is naturally great at this stuff - we all have endless things to improve on, and criticism is one of the best ways to get there.

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Hyped for transistor?!

I still haven't played Bastion, actually. Shameful, I know. One of my housemates was just yelling at me about this yesterday.


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