

Ask @Biandapuspita

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Lo gue cari-cari ternyata masih aktif ya main askfm. Ga salah gue nyari lo disini. Mau lewat obrolan pribadi gak?


Hal apa yang paling tidak bisa kamu lakukan?

Rebahan, i just cant... too much assignment are waiting to be done. Udah abis koyo berapa bungkus ni buat punggung

gimana sih biar dosen ngerti kalau kita udah lelah sama sistem daring kuliah online gini? menyiksa bgt sumpah :(

Mau lu ape bambang..... jangan sampe dibikin cuti kuliah dong, aing mah doyan online class gini bisa sambil makan :)

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

Ngerjain pra thesis cuman 2 hari, alhamdulillah ✨🙏🏽

6 facts about your crush

- he loves to play the games (god damn much)
- always assembled his own toy robot, LOL
- (yang pasti) he curious with the taste of martabak that i made myself HAHA YAUDAH LAH YA
- smart af, absolutely, AND ITS A MUST.
- rajin ibadah. HARGA MATI.
- we do loveee coffeeeee! always discuss about this, oh gosh its like bringing something precious into my lyfe to our conversations.
- we do love to yelled: “HI BEB”
- yang pasti aku dan dia bertemu dalam doa, HAHAHAHA GILAQ JIJIQ
- we had same car color(?) YA BODO AMAT, its make me like “HEE SEBELAHAN PARKIRNYA”
- and yeah, he is a boy.
U asked for 6,
I give u 10
Its just because he is so special ✨

Gimana ujiannya

Alhamdulillah!!!! Tinggal submit final project 2 matkul, presentasi + rabu ujian trakhir marketing 🤗
Gak tinggal sih tu ya...


Language: English