

Ask @BollyKecks

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When are you going to get your drivers licence ? Are you looking forward to driving and what kind of car would you buy ? Or a second hand.

I'd like to start driving lessons when I'm 17 if I can afford it. I'm scared but excited about being able to drive.. if I can reach the foot pedals ;) I'd love to have a mini, but I guess that's not going to happen, so any second hand car really, as long as it's not mega chavy haha.

You read catching fire already ? Wow that was quick !.

Yes I did haha!:) It was such a good book, I couldn't put it down haha

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Hahaha welcome, you should make them mods often :)

I don't have time to make videos often :P Have you watched any others?

Aw please do:)) maybe take some links out to make it fit better too if you want

I guessing your a massive watch fan haha! Yeah, will do.

Welcome!! Your newest one with the Gabrielle Aplin thing and stuff, and you looked amazing!!!

Oh right yeah hahaha! Thanks.

Welcome!! Just seen some of your videos and they're really good aha

Thanks :) Which ones and what did you like about them?:)

Yeah those watches are cute, I love buckle watches too! Make sure you can get at least one fixed :)

They are great!:) I'll get my identity London fixed :))

Yeah that's right, so it's a little loose but you don't mind :) definitely get it fixed, watches are so cute! Is that you're only one??

Yeah :P I will, and I think it is, I used to have more but I really love that one :)

Hahah you're just crazy but in a good way! I'm just a 17 year old guy and you're cute and didn't want to follow a fan account

Thank you haha! It's not always SO obsessive, it's just a phase hahaha! <<Oh man that sounds weird. You can follow @DramaLemons then?

Aww they're so nice!! Does the watch fit well??

They really are:) yeah quite well, it's a little bit slippy but I don't mind that:) (you can take bits out of it though to make it smaller or vice versa :P

Hahaha because you're crazy, it's hard to define :P do you have a personal twitter (not fangirl) ;)

In what way am I crazy? haha, and who is this? I hate to break it to you, but that is my personal twitter hahaha. I do have my youtube related one though: @DramaLemons :P

Haha I can't guess :( 15?

I am 16 haha! I'll be 17 in March. I know I look about 12 though haha. Why do you think I am crazy though? :P And Is that good or bad?


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