

Ask @Catushka91

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I really love the way you edit your videos. They are fantastic ;). You are my role model .:D. How long does it take you learn it ? :D Do you make some tutorials ?

Thank you sooo much:):) you are so very sweet<333 And i have been vidding for 2 and a half years now, but you can learn it pretty fast in my opinion:) and YESS, i do make tutorials, and you can find them here:
But warning: i talk a LOT, but it's because i try to explain everything in case people who only started vidding are watching them too:):)

Hey! I just wanted to say you're a really great editor, like I admire how original you are. You're a huge inspiration for me, and your tutorials are so so helpful omg, my favourite tutorial channel ever because you actually go in depth with stuff. Thx for being so amazing & helpful. <3

OHWOOOW*____* thank you sooo much for telling me this!! you just made me the happiest person EVER! i'm shocked if i can inspire somebody, and it truly means the world to me!:) and yaaaay for liking my tutorials as well, cause sometime i don't even know if they are any good, or can help someone or not! so thank you for reassuring me <3

Could you made any video about Nikki Reed or Ashley Greene the next time? pls.

Ohh such a great idea!! I totally forgot that i wanted to make an Ashley video a looong time ago haha*___* just need to find a good song:)

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What websites do you use the most to find pictures from? Also I was the one who asked before about Andrew Garfield photoshoots, I was also wondering where you found the videos to some of them? Like there's one where he's sitting infront of like a white backdrop & stuff. I can't find that anywhere.

I usually type in (into google) the name of the person i want the pictures of, and add "gallery" and/or "HQ", and then look for a fansite that looks good. And i also joined some livejournal communities, because they always have the latest pictures and a lot of times they upload the pics as .zip files, which is soooo helpful:):)
And i looked for the Andrew videos you asked about, and here are they:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3_6qmUAxaICatushka91’s Video 41875542929 K3_6qmUAxaICatushka91’s Video 41875542929 K3_6qmUAxaI
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl-qaJ7ASTYCatushka91’s Video 41875542929 Cl-qaJ7ASTYCatushka91’s Video 41875542929 Cl-qaJ7ASTY

Thank you for the Jennifer Lawrence pictures! You're the best. <3 I'm just gonna add that you're one of my favourites on youtube, like you're such an original and amazing editor I don't know where you come up with all the effects. *-*

First of all, you are very welcome:):) And thank YOU soo much for your sweet words, you made me so happy just now!! It's so great to know that someone enjoys your work/videos*___*

Do you have any file zip with the Rob&Kristen's Cannes' pics? Cause I can't find one and I really need it T.T

No, sadly, i don't have a zip file of it, but you could try to download them from their different websites/livejournal communities, they always have a lot of HQ ones :)

Where do you find your songs? What do you recommend to someone looking for songs with a really good beat? All of your videos have a strong definite beat & I was wondering where you find all of them.

Hi:) Finding songs is really difficult for me too sometimes, especially when i try to look for a song that would match the video i have in mind. But basically i just go through my music folders/albums and choose something. And you are right, i always choose something that has a good, definite beat, because it makes vidding a lot easier. So basically i just go through my music, and hopefully something will catch my attention OR when i'm lucky i hear a song somewhere and i know i have to edit to it, and then it's so much easier:)

YAYYY! Thank you so much, you're the best! I can't wait to see it because I've always wanted to know how you do it, it's been wracking my brain. xD <3

Hopefully i can make it soon then :) And fingers crossed that i'm gonna be able to actually explain it, because it's really hard to do that in english for me haha xDD And you are soo very welcome *____*

This is what I mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=t8_NlwHUzQU#t=16s You have two columns, and then it splits and two pictures come into the middle making it three seperate columns.

Oh, i totally misunderstood you, and now i read your first message again, and i feel dumb haha:D
And i was planning on making a tutorial about the effect that you asked about, because i can't explain it in words, just with a video. So i'll try to make a tutorial about it soon-ish :):)

I know you have made tutorials on cookie cutter before, but can you make a tutorial about how you do transitions on them, and how say you'll have three columns and then it will move and another one will appear via transitions? I hope that's easy to understand, if not I can take a screenshot for you.

Hi:) Sadly, my laptop hasn't been working for a month now, that's why i can't make new tutorials :( But basically what i do is have 3 tracks for the 3 columns, and have 6 pictures (2 sets of 3-columns).And for the transitions (when i change for example the middle pic into another pic) i usually use Flip, NewBlue Roll or NewBlue 3D Blinds. so the main thing is to have the picture you originally have, right next to the picture that you want it to change into, and then add the transition between them. *gosh, it's so hard to explain it in words, i'm sorry if talking absolute nonsense* If it wasn't clear i can make a quick video to show it, and send it to you:)

Can you please give me a download link to all photoshoots of Andrew Garfield? I can't find any nice ones anywhere! It would mean the world if you could. Thank you dearly. <3

Hi:) A loooong while ago i uploaded some zip files with different pictures of actors, and so i can actually give you a DL link to andrew photoshoots, but since i uploaded it a while ago, it won't have the newest pics.
Anyways here is the link:
And if you wanna check out the video(s) for other pictures maybe, you can find that/them here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYbxtMMb8wCatushka91’s Video 41607258001 ZSYbxtMMb8wCatushka91’s Video 41607258001 ZSYbxtMMb8w
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa0ttM8s3jcCatushka91’s Video 41607258001 wa0ttM8s3jcCatushka91’s Video 41607258001 wa0ttM8s3jc
Hope it helps :):)

Are you a fan of the Hunger Games saga? Cause it would be amazing if you made a video about Peet&Katniss. I just love your editing, you're one of my favourite *-*

YESSS, i loove the hunger games, and i adore peeta & katniss:):) i just have no idea which song would fit them. so if you have any suggestions, i would be more than happy to hear them*___* and awwww you are sooo sweet, thank you so much for the compliments <3

Can you add Tony-Pepper (Iron man) in your to-do-list?

Hi:) I haven't seen any of the Iron Man movies sadly :/:/ i've only seen him in the avengers:D

do you go on youtube often?

Yeah, i try to, when i can. My laptop isn't working now, but my brother is kind enough to lend his to me when i ask:)

what is your fandom and also can you answer privately on here?

hi:) i think moviewise, twilight will always be my favourite fandom, cause it inspired me to start vidding and to start reading, and i just love it so much:):) as in TV shows, i adore Nikita, and i wish more people gave it a chance cause it's ahhmazing! and real-life-wise, Rob & Kristen are my babiiiies<3333
oh and i don't think there's an "answer privately" option here, like on tumblr. but if u have any questions that u need me to answer in private you could send me a message on youtube maybe:):)
Liked by: Bence Tóth

you don't go on tumblr anymore?

hi:) sadly, my laptop decided to stop working, so i can't really go on tumblr, and also i was trying to avoid it because i'm scared of spoilers in some of the fandoms haha xD

You are an incredible editor! My inspiration <3

Awww Becky, seriously??*____* thank you soo much, that means a LOOOOT to me, you are so sweet:):)

The new song called "Just keep breathing" has been released by We The Kings, I would love you forever and ever and ever and EVER if you did an RK fan video to it. It's such an upbeat song and suits their situation right now! Please consider it xx

Hi:):) I don't know the song, but i'm gonna listen to it, and if i like it, i'll definitely think about vidding RK to it, if you say it fits them *___*

Which options do you use in your sony vegas color?

If you mean the colorings, i use a few different fx-s, but mostly these: color corrector, gradiant map, color curves, color balance, soft contrast, soft focus and sharpen. I try to change it up for every video, but most of the time these are the effects i add to make a coloring:)

you are so damn pretty omg let me look like you please. xx

asdfghjklkjhgf*____* thank you soo much!!:)

and if I ask you to make a video about Nicholas Hoult with "I love it" by Icon pop????

i don't really follow him or his work, but i'm gonna absolutely think about it:) i'm gonna write it on a sticky note right now:D
Liked by: Joy

i checked your tumblr and stuff (no i'm not a stalker :D) and i just wanted to admit that i'm also red-haired (well not naturally) and obsessed with tequila, high heels and reading! haha. i think we would be like very good friends if we knew each other. maybe we can talk sometime :)

Awwwwwwww, seriously???? I already love you, cause those things are amazing, which means you are amazing as well! We definitely should chat *_____* it's a date!!:D

and so the videos were kinda bad. now i started a new channel and i finally want to do it the right way. your tutorials were the only ones that helped me so far. so thanks for that! and i'm hoping for more. xo :)

Yaaaay, i'm so happy that they could help, that means EVERYTHING to me, and as long as you love making videos, it's sooo worth it:):) And having a fresh start always helps too! and YES i'm definitely gonna make some new tutorials! <3


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