
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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Why does your profile picture have a banana as a dick? XP

It was just a random picture then people noticed the banana, then started saying "nice banana" and loving the picture so then it all happened with the bananas hahaha :3 and it was for a laugh ;) xD

[Mass Send] Do you drink energy drinks? Which do you prefer? *also let me know if you don't want me sending these questions to you or whatever!* ha

Ermm relentless maybe:3 and hehe i love them :3 thankyou :3
Liked by: Steffy


PrettierThanYou’s Profile Phototierra

Kill me? Ahaha! No-.- yey if you say so, she's a bitch who no one likes ! Because if she cuts deepeer then we wouldn't have to put up with her fucking crying and attention seeking! Beautifull? Phah don't make me laug, have you seen her...... She's fat and need to go die and make the world happy

Ughhhh I can't reallly be bothered to waste my emotion and shit on you cos you're not worth it, you're pathetic waste of space... She's not a bitch :L I like her!!! If you don't like her, then block her, simples!! :L She's not your problem, just leave her alone I can't be asked to waste my time replying to your pathetic paragraphs -.- She is beautiful Omg!!! I not making you laug? Hahahaha :L knob! Yes.. I have seen her, and She is fucking beautiful and I'm glad I met her, she's not fat and she doesn't need to go die cos she's amazing, she's an inspiration to people who have a hard life, cos she's carrying on, have you ever heard the saying "stay strong, you never know who you're inspiring" she must be inspiring loads of people, cos she has stayed strong!!!! And I respect her loads!! Just leave her and me alone... You wank.

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