

Ask @CrayonChomper

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do you know when you'll update foible tales next?

Did you know that dropbox lost the file for foible tales so I literally lost everything I wrote for it.
And I had already completed my twist on beauty and the beast and the little mermaid before it went kapoof.

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whats your opinion on underage drinking? like, 14-15 year olds drinking alcohol?

Scientifically, teenagers make bad decisions.
Don't make those decisions worse by adding alcohol into the mix.

Describe what you look like.

Black hair that hasn't decided if it wants to be curly or wavy.
Light brown skin.
Five - one (and that's being generous).
And tubby.
Liked by: H.

Merry Christmas! I'm glad your back and writing. I hope you have an awesome day!

So I'm late to this but yes I did have an awesome Christmas.
Belated merry christmas to you and I hope you have a rocking new year :)
Liked by: H.

if you dedicated your books each to someone (like authors do in the front of their books) who are the people you would pick? it could be a fan, friend, family member, celebrity, anyone.

"To Maria and Lope.
Look, guys, all the notebooks and pens you funded over the years actually came to something."
Liked by: H.

Did ya read mah comment? Huh huh :D? (Im sorry I'm way too hyper I didn't take my meds)

ImNotScaredOfLove’s Profile PhotoH.
I read it since I read all of the comments.
But my memory is so bad so I don't remember everything :/
Liked by: H.

OMG are you still doing stylized or is that done? It's such a great idea, and I really really want to read it!

I am, actually.
And, fun fact, I just updated it yesterday.
Whoop whoop.
Liked by: H.

How do you make your covers on wattpat? An also what websites do you use to make them?

1. Look for pretty pictures (check out Favim or WeHeartIt)
2. Crop/filter/edit picture (check out ribbet or picmonkey or Pixlr editor)
3. Add text (Pixlr express has a lot of cool fonts but ribbet also has the more basic ones)
Liked by: juliaaa

Hi I jusst wanted to know how you managed to come up with the idea for "not all blondes do backflips" what was your inspiration? Oh and do you have ang writing tips?

If you look at it, NAB is all about a girl who just moved and hates it. The kids' names were inspired by a Beatles song I heard playing on the radio and the Barbie and Ken and thing was inspired by how funny it would be a if Barbie gave birth to a monster. Haha. Basically, the whole book formed itself when I wrote the breakfast scene where Lennon threw the spoon at Paul's hair.
Liked by: juliaaa

How do you post a gif off of google images onto wattpad?

you know how when you click on the image on google images and then you get those two buttons 'view page' and 'view image'?
click on the 'view image' one and then copy the link in the address bar (the link has to end in '.gif')

I love not all blondes do backflips!!! Also, I am trying to write a book and was wondering if you have any writing tips? Thanks and happy holidays!

Write like how you would normally talk. Take the rules of the English language into consideration but make sure the words you write still sound close to how you would talk. It makes writing easier (I think)
You don't have to plan the entire story but by but. But it would be great if there was something you were writing towards (like a goal or a message you wanted to convey).
Read. A lot. Read anything and everything but, most especially, read the kind of stories that you want to write too. That way you get a "taste" of the genre and how it narrates/flows.
Edit yourself. Repeatedly. You'll be a better writer for it and it'll help you make sure that other people can understand what you're trying to say.
I dunno if these were even helpful but yeah.
Liked by: H. ming phing

Would you rather have your way with a celebrity of your choice for as long as you'd like or exist in a blissfully ethereal wonderland forever?

i'd rather have my way with the celebrity.
because i feel like i'd be bored said ethereal wonderland.

Top ten real life books that you've read this year? :)

I mostly looked for authors then read their books this year so note that some of the books will have the same authors. So, in no particular order:
1. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien [just finished it this year]
2. Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
3. Damned by Chuck Palahniuk
4. Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk
5. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
6. Landline by Rainbow Rowell
7. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
8. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
9. Bartimaeus Trilogy #3 Ptolemy's Gate by Jonathan Stroud
10. The Plague by Albert Camus
Liked by: myka patty


Language: English