

Ask @CurtisCameron

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ok, suppose everything about the people and your interaction with them, everything is the same- would you then pick the more attractive one?

I would choose the one i liked

I know dammit I know you are. *and i'm not crying i promise there's just an xbox controller in my eye* just ugh man I want you to be happy. fucking hell. with or without me in your life i don't mind. you deserve to be happy.


but if you liked two equally charming (personality wise) people, you would go for the more physically attractive one right?

Not necessarily, it depends on my background with each of these people

Alright well I'm not gonna get too deep here ok but just I honestly fucking wish you could see yourself how I see you. like jesus i would do anything if it meant that you were able to be ok.

im trying

do looks matter to you?

Personality it what makes a person. Without personality we are just mindless robots with skin. So no, a personality is what i look for

when you get these messages, do you have an idea in your head of who is asking?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no

ok my shitty computer isn't letting me see the video.. :( i'm just going to assume you agreed with me


like a very beautiful taser, yes. but more gentle. a gentle taser. (shh they are real ok)

*bang* *zip* *grzzzz* *tweeting of doves* "ahh beauty"

There are so many people who care about you, dont ever forget. Even when it feels like it, youre not alone. So many people are willing to lend an ear and will do their best to help you. I know we can't change the reason you feel the way you do but we will do our best to change how you feel about it.

Thank you person, whoever you may be


Language: English