Danny Ninja Prince


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you embarressed off her arent you thats why you wont meet her

no,i want the first time we meet to be special,i aint gonna meet just for the sake of meetin,just cause whoever this is trying to push it along,just let things take their course and let it happen in its own time

Name as many reasons as you can of why your going out with Emma?

1.Shes beautiful
2.Shes funny
3.Shes clever
4.Shes so lovable
5.Shes kind
6.Shes caring
7.Shes amazing
8.Shes a Ninja
9.She always knows the right thing to say to make me feel better!
10.She has a smile to die for <3
11.Because she makes every day worth living
12.She always supports me whatever decision i make or whatever i do
13.She never laughs at me,she only laughs with me (i hope)
14.Whenever i speak to her i feel so much more happy
15.If im talking to her wen watching a scary film (which i normally am) i feel so much safer
Just to state a few things <3<3<3


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