
Tom Weaver

Ask @DemFeels

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Hacked nudes of who?

Jennifer Lawrence sadly and well I don't find her attractive at all she looks like a 12 year old in my opinion that's why I find it weird that people are attracted to her

Hey, could you check out my new video and if you enjoyed it, share it like crayzay and subscribe? If not it's cool :) thank you! http://youtu.be/pNDw1BRwLvE

BenConlon’s Profile PhotoBen.
I'm not going to watch it but I can tell you are a wannabe Snipars so get lost is would only watch if you were in Snipars clan

How can you be motivated?

By waking up early in the morning and getting ready for life, just like how I just woke up Ryan at 2 in the morning to get him ready for the shenanigans Jay will be getting up to tomorrow

When one should stop learning?

Ask don't try and make your questions look philosophical by switching words round and stuff it makes you look stupid


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