
Desiree Ramos ❤

Ask @Desireeluvzu

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Well I am trying to be a good friend because she tells me how much she likes you and how pretty you are so I was trying to hook you guys up

hey I get wat ur saying. . . but im not bi... /: so yea... just stop me and her are just friends and will always be just friends

Blake likes you she is just saying that because I wasn't supposed to tell you

well than y would u? that's not a very good friend... y would u do that? & if Blake like me she would tell me. its not going to change anything cuz I only like guys... but she wouldn't lie to me...

Blake told me doe! Damn someone is feeling dumb this evening, and sol is Blake's friend, the four other I cant say, one of them is Melissa (tower) but that's all I can say

im sorry but.. I dont believe u... Blake wouldnkik me 't lie to me... & how would sol like me when idek who she is.. & can u kik me?

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Blake krauser, sol, and like 4 other girls

Blake doesn't like me... lmao she would have told me... who is sol? & 4 others like who...

Why do you answer hate?!

y wouldn't I? is there like.. a problem with that? that's how I show people that ig doesn't bother me...

I love you so much ! We have gotten so close and I don't want to leave you : ( imma miss you so much !!!

jessiicacolliier’s Profile PhotoJessica
omg I know babes! ): we need to hangout A LOT this summer!<3 ilysm! kik me! :*
Liked by: Jessica

why do you stand up for Julia? she talks so much shit about you. youre too good for her. she was never a true friend to you. p.s.- youre gorgeous<3:*

ththank-you<3 & I stood up for her because she was always there for me when we were friends... idk I guess it seemed like the right thing to do... I had already deleted like 10 rude questions about her ...& I know what it feels like for to be talked about by people... or for people to say rude things about me... and its easier to ignore when people stand up for u... so thats wat I did for her...
p.s. ~ im not to "good" for her... im not to "good" for anyone.!
Liked by: julia velks

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?


Why are u friends with Julia Commiso? She's a hoe!

were not really friends... more like... acquaintances ... but idk if I could even say that with out lying.. she was just standing up for me. and she's not a hoe! not at all! she dated a few guy but big deal! she isn't walkingg around sucking dick or fucking guys for change -.- she's not a hoe! she's perfect. leave her alone! idc if were not friends. we used to be bestfriends. and im not gunna watch someone talk about her like that. she doesn't deserve it!


Language: English