
Daniel Ramos

Ask @Dgreem15

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What are the best holidays you have ever had in your life?

They normally turn out bad, but I'm hoping when I'm able spend them with my gf, that they will be better

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How often do you think about your future?

Almost everyday. Not an amazing habit. I should focus more on what's going on

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

Well I would certainly say there is at least one person for somebody, but I don't believe that's limited to a single person you can only fall in love with.

If you could buy any car right now, what would you buy?

I would buy a 2013 cadillac xts black. That's the car of a business man

What is something you have always wanted to try?

Step out of my comfort zone. Say yes to something I would normally say no to. Sometimes I think "I don't want to do that" then I say to my self "shit maybe something unexpected will come out if this, I'll never know unless I try" and sometimes it's ok but sometimes I never expect to have so much fun or learn so much. It's crazy. Even if it seems small and insignificant, it may not be

Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

I don't know. If I would get a lot of money it wouldn't matter really but the. Again I would like it if it was for something I would appreciate and others would appreciate too. Maybe video games or some other form of media like director of tv shows or movies

What are your major goals in life?

Die happily with no regrets, have kids, get married, support my loved ones, show the people I love how much I love them. Just make things right, tie up loose ends and do what I love in life and not fall in line with the people who settle for less than what they want. My main goal now is to force myself to work for what I want and not get lazy. Simple as that, I have a goal I just need to drive myself

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

Well I have done it and sometimes it just happens. Idk it may not always mean something but it may also mean something. Maybe you do find that person attractive but when your with your gf and you love her as much as I do mine, it means nothing, my reaction is to look for a second till I snap out of it, and even if I somewhere thought hey let me run of with another pretty lady, there are lots of beautiful women, but I know what I have with mine and another pretty face won't lure me away because I know what I have. She's very much unlike any other girl I know. Also a lot of women who take pride in their looks are vein. So what in trying to say is hopefully you know your bf enough to know whether he would run off with a pretty girl or not

Don’t you think that everything is changing too fast?

It may seem that way but I think it's making up for lost time. Everything felt the same for a long time and this change of pace is probably a kick in the ass to tell you things don't last forever and to deal with it. And maybe it's a shout out to appreciate what you have in the moment because you can loose it all so fast

If you could paint anything what would you paint?

I would paint a picture of myself. Not to be vain or anything but idk I have picture of everyone and what not but I would like a painting that captures me. Something I can look at idk how to explain it really. I wouldn't hang it publicly in my home it anything but just keep it. It sounds strange but in a way it seems comforting

What’s your favorite public or state holiday of the year?

Probably Halloween. My horrible teeth can't stand candy but I like the vibe and costumes and etc. just a really fun holiday

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

I would wish for no suffering in the world. The hardest thing for me is dealing with pain and bad things. I enjoy life or rather the good parts about it, but if I could remove suffering out of the equation then that would be great. And If I can make that wish, why just wish it upon myself when I can share it with everyone


Language: English