

Ask @EXOcastle

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how much do you love EXO?

enough for me to stay more than 12hrs in front of my pc just to keep updated about them~ and see how they are doing

do u know baekhyun favorite t-shirt color?

i don't know, sorry. But i think he'd like any gift fan give it to him

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How long you guys have been fan of EXO?

for me, it's since rumor about sm's new boygroup spreaded. i've been following the news since then ^^

What happen with the 1st Anniversary of EXO fanproject ?

we've sent the video which is with picked quotes that we've compailed from the fans to Korea a month ago. It had arrived during the end of march :)

who is your bias in Exo?

I generally love all of them, but if you ask for who's the most then it's Maknae sehun ^^

sudah satu tahun kita bersama, selama aku bersama kalian aku sangat bahagia sekali :) selamat sudah bisa melewati semuanya . oh ia di Indonesia, negaraku mempunyai banyak sekali tarian tradisional ^^ aku harap kalian bisa membawakannya saat kalian ada di acara yang bisa kita saksikan^^ @karinafebby

nama sama asal negara belum huhu lengkapin yaa :))

gimana caranya ku ngirimin quotes nya ?

tinggal ask, tulis quote, jgn lupa cantumin nama, akun twitter dan asal negara

Min, yg acara fanmade quotes itu, bisa nulis disini???

iyaa boleh, pake identitas nama, akun twitter sama asal negara yaa ^^

Min,kok kai ama baekhyun ga ikut idol championship sih?

Baekhyun ikut kok. Kai tidak ikut mungkin karena dia kan sering punya masalah dg punggungnya, jd tidak diikutkan~ mungkin ya ^^

When the EXO showcase will be held?

EXO showcase had already been held before 1st Mini Album released on March 31- April 1 2012~

wdyt 'bout EXO's RolePlayer or Parody??

Hi, sorry for late reply ><
I don't like those two. I don't think those can bring something positive for us, besides i don't find good advantages for playing these games (?). and that only waste time. But as far those people who played for these games /or anything what you call these RP or parody/ didn't put disadvantages or something negative like fan war or something like i think yeah~ it's ok..

Is it hard to maintain Twitter and Tumblr? EXOcastle is from Tumblr, no?

honestly, yes. since there're so many updates and our admins have their own business with their real life so we can't update both twitter and tumblr simultaneously.
we're currently searching for tumblr admins too, so if any of you interested to joining with us maybe? ^^

can i know all your admins ? because your fanbase give great update and your admins seems friendly too ^^

thank you, it's our pleasure to make you updated with EXO tough. I'm EF, there're admin N, admin D, admin DR, admin J, admin M, admin Mons, new admin ET, and more lol we have many admins tough :))


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