
Edward Liao

Ask @fasteddiee

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as your ITS teacher, what do you thing about Jonathan Brazil's lack of helping the website? How can he help you.

As an ITS teacher, I think the teacher would know how to spell "think". :P I'm kidding. But if you really do want to help, Jonty, I'd suggest that you read up on your HTML and CSS. This will help both you AND me in this area. Even a brief revision session wouldn't hurt. If you want, here's a great website you can practice with: http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/web I use it too and trust me, it helps.
As a tip, I'd say that we shouldn't worry so much about jQuery and Javascript since these aren't the things that we need to worry about at all. We just need to be able to demonstrate our abilities in basic HTML5 and CSS3.
So how about this: Get those links done up for me and put some BASIC ideas down for both the FAQs and About page. We need to work on those parts. For the "see more" thing, we can worry about that later. To be plainly honest, we don't really need that. It does, however, add a nice touch to the website.

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If you could rewind your life back to a certain point once and relive your life from there, when will you go back to and why?

For a start, I wouldn't. That said, however, if I had to, I know a few places that I'd LOVE to go back to and live from that point but I won't say when.
Let's just say I wouldn't mind starting from 8th grade again.

If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?

Don't do drugs. Always use protection, don't be stupid. If you're going to a party and you know you're going to get drunk, drink some milk beforehand (I don't know why, it just works) and drink plenty of water. Don't be shy but don't be a fucking douchebag; look at things from other people's perspectives and most of all. Think about what you're about to do before you do it. Some things require more thought than others.

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SUPERPOWERS!!! What would it be?

Superbrain. You know that drug from "Limitless"? If I could have the effects of that except permanent. That would be AMAZING. Just that. Pretty much you have completely clear focus, perfect memory, ability to recall moments and use muscle memory effectively, etc. You get the deal.

What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?

I'd love everyone to know I was a silver medalist at the world Haidong Gumdo World Championships but that would be really narcissistic of me becau--
Oh wait.

If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try?

A stunt director. Or an actor. Or a Professional martial artist. Being a teacher for a day couldn't hurt.

Hello, just a normal question comming through LOL -sis

Oh thank god you're here. All these deep questions are killing me. They're good questions, no doubt, but too many of them get you thinking too much~

Would you rather be hated or forgotten?

Hated. This really depends on the level of hatred. It's just that I'd rather be hated doing the things I love and getting credit for it than doing something great and not having any credit.
If we're talking about after death. I wouldn't mind either. I'm dead anyway. As the saying goes: You'll only be remembered if you did something really bad or something really good. Either way, you'll be forgotten.

what's your favourite way of showing how much you love someone?

Hugs. I like hugging. They like hugging. I hug people. No hug is the same: they're tailor made for each person. By all means, you can ask me for a bear hug if you want.
FINALLY. A decent question.

There are two chairs, one has a bowl of spaghetti and the other has a dick. If you had to sit on one and eat the other. What would you do?

I already answered it and I cringe just reading it but I'll answer it again anyway. Eat the dick and sit on spaghetti. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not really into getting sodomized.

when you are sad, do you prefer to be seculded and let your emotions out or be surrounded and bottle the emotions up?

Depends on the kind of sad. If it's an angry sad, then I'd rather be secluded. Anything other than that, I'd bottle the emotions

would you rather cut down a large tree with a butter knife OR eat rocks only for a month?

Tree with a butter knife because why not.

would you rather change your name to Big Fat Unicorn With A Tatoo? OR laugh whenever something really really sad happens?

This may sound really sadistic, but the second one because I can't bring myself to be sad about sad things.

would you rather be chased by a man eating shark? OR count all the grains of sand on a beach?

Man eating shark. Dat adrenaline rush.

would you rather be absolutley freezing, naked, in antarctica? OR wear a snowsuit in the desert?

Naked in Antarctica. That'd be the best.

Would you rather… vicariously experience all orgasms that occur in your zip code OR during sex, have the Microsoft paper clip help icon appear with sex tips?

HA. It doesn't say WHEN the icon appears so I'd take the second one. I wouldn't mind. The Paper Clip didn't really bother me so I guess it's not too bad.

Would you rather have a freakishly huge smile or a freakishly small nose?

Huge smile. Bitches love smiles.
But yeah, freakishly is pretty freakish.

Would you have sex in the missionary position? would you have sex standing up? would you have sex at all?

1. What.
2. Maybe, why not.
3. I'm pretty sure, yes.

you and andrea? soon? maybe? date? what? now? enlighten me :)

Me and Andrea. Soon. Maybe date. I don't know. I don't know when. Enlighten you soon :)

Would you rather… have to have sex in the same position every night OR have to have sex in a different position every night (you can never repeat)?

Second one.


Language: English