

Ask @Firework55

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If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

Wamma_’s Profile PhotoLady Death┼
When the whole world is waiting for what Fai would say.. I'll give them a moment of silence and spill these heavy words: "I'm not a women of wisdom or a life expert but I know this.. Life is simple, stop making it so complex. Life begins with birth and ends with death. We all know that our day will come sooner or later, what we HAVE won't be worth a thing in the afterlife, it's what we DO that makes a difference. So do good for others and your self, Life is hard, we get it.. But not hopeless. And if your life is easy don't make it hard on anyone. All these wars you start, all these lands you concur, all this money you make.. Wont last for you. With all this shit going on there is still hope. Do what is right before it's too late." And walk away... *clap clap clap* 👏🏻🙌🏻
Liked by: Kdd

Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.

Theagony0’s Profile PhotoS△
It's "power" what comes to mind. Cause our hearts are so powerful and we don't even know why.. Because this little peace of flesh do not only pump blood through the body, but it also pumps various feelings and controls our puzzling mind to do what it wants. Our hearts are sometimes foolish they can cause death, they can cause murder, they can cause wars. And sometimes cause love and care. Hearts are so powerful, It depends on how we control this amazing power by our character, dignity and knowing what is right and what is wrong.
Liked by: Kdd marwa. Shatha. S△

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Liked by: Kdd

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فيّ ملاحظه انك اول مره تردين على اشتقت لك !...


ما اقدر ما اجي واسألك وش متعبك؟...

سويت بانكيكس و تعبت و انا اسويهم🙏🏻

المشكله ودي اقولك! انا مين بس اعرف اني بندم اخاف تتغيرين بس شكراً الي مرا ع كلامك معي💔 اقريه واذا تبين لا تنزلينه لاني شبعت😴

انتي اللي خليتي ردي يصير كذا ماكان بتندمين ابدا بس انتي حطيتي هالفكره في راسك.
و بالعافيه.

انا اللي بالكك قولي لهم بس :) مو حلو الغزل الواجد🚫

و مب حلو تقولين أحبك لأي أحد
هذا لك.

ههييه💔💔خير الي يقولك احبك والي يتغزل بعيونك:(!

خير ياطير.

Favorite feeling?

I think one of my favorite feelings is laughing with someone and realizing half way through how much you enjoy them and their existence.
Liked by: Shatha.

ابدا ماطلبت تغيرين اجابتك قلت مثلا وغلطت.كان افضل لما كنتي تتجاهلين اسألتي ولا انك تفهميني غلط...

بقعد افهمك غلط اذ مافهمت وش تقصدين بكلامك طبعا.

شدعوه يعني مابفهم! ليه مافكرتي اني ابيك تغيرين الاجابه مثلا!...

ليش اغير جواب الى شي ما ابغا اقوله او غيري يبغاه مني؟ اللي ابغا اقوله قلته ولا بيهمني كيف بغيتيه يكون👄


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