
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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You have no one but yourself to blame. You said that all people have the right to make a stink when they feel they're not being treated "as people." Fortunately for you, that includes myself when you DEBASE and RAPE my opinions, that gaming is just fine. I'm just doing what you said to do! fuck you

Yeah man it sure is dehumanizing for people to disagree with shitty exclusionary opinions; you got me there. Who will stand up for the status quo, it really makes you think. Being told my position hurts people as part of a systemic societal issue is exactly like a horrible stigmatized assault. This is not foolish, childish, or incorrect in any way. I am living, breathing shit left out on the sidewalk and everyone makes a face at me as they cross the street to avoid my filth.

So just any under/misrepresented minority gets to boss writers in general around because it hurts their feelings that they're not included? Or does that only apply to women?

Everyone has the right to be treated as people and the right to make noise when that isn't recognized, your choice of characterization notwithstanding.
Liked by: Julian Dani D K Booky Craig

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Did the longer trailer of MGS5 make you cringe?

In a good way, yes. Seriously brutal shit but it's showing a serious commitment to being more than just the next Metal Gear or the next stealth action. I'm invested to see where all this goes and hoping it pays off huge.
Liked by: D K Booky

Charles Martinet does the Mario voices for all languages, I believe.

Oh that's cool. Does he record all that in-character stuff for demos and presentations in other languages too? Or do non-English speakers not get to hear Mario explain the buttons of the 3DS?
Liked by: Booky

If i grew up in ohio and didn't do everything in my power to move to anywhere else, I'd be full of terrible shticks as well. Fuck that guy.

Ohio has Cedar Point and Put-in-Bay. You'll notice the best parts of Ohio are trying to escape, even geographically.
Liked by: Dani Drakkel

Warning: last question's a trick question. One of the Amazing Atheist's shticks is hating feminists in a really obnoxious manner. They're trying to get you to rage.

I thought it was being obnoxious about everything, or maybe turning himself into breakfast food while jerking it. Guy's got a number of shticks.
Liked by: Booky

Wait, that "Nya Nya" noise mario made in the trailer wasn't Charles?

Maybe? I just assumed someone else does the Japanese voices, and that obvious Japanese references will be changed before release. I could easily be wrong.

BillyMC is like the Mr. Rogers of LPers. He's so lovable almost nobody hates him. Pewdiepie is like the Paris Hilton of LPers. He's famous for no good reason. What celebrity of LPers would you be?

Sean Penn. I get a lot of respect but a bit more than I deserve, and people just wish I would shut up.
Liked by: Booky

If you could pick another 3rd party character to be in the next Smash Bros., what would be your personal choice?

That last question has me hoping for Viewtiful Joe, at least he debuted on a Gamecube "exclusive". Megaman is the best Capcom character for the job but he opens things up for a whole stable of cool characters you can see fight in any ______ vs Capcom game.
Actually, Simon Belmont.

How do you feel about cat Mario gaining the Redhot Kick as a move?

I'm more impressed by the "Nyan Nyan" sound when you pick up the bell. Can't wait to hear that localized as Charles Martinet meowing.

I never said having more and better female characters is threatening to men, you're the only one who suggested that's what I meant. What I was saying was that having a bunch of female characters because sexism is bad is just as stupid as having no female characters. It needs to be natural.

Gonna quote something a woman who plays games said about something different but related earlier today:
"I wish I could play as someone more like me" being greeted with "well creating a character more like you just for the sake of it is just as bad as not having one, isn't it?" just shuts the person down like their desire to be represented and seen as a human being who could also be a hero and make a difference is invalid. Sure, it's not as rude and straight-up sexist as calling someone a cunt, but it's still implying that they don't count, and it typically comes from someone who has always been represented and doesn't end up grinding their teeth every time they go to a movie or play through a game where the female characters are passive and kind of worthless. Social justice buzzword "privilege" refers to the privilege of being oblivious to this stuff in everyday life because it doesn't affect someone and they don't have to live with it (and often feel helpless about it) every day.
Something like 90% of all media doesn't portray women with agency, and I could go on a really, really, REALLY long rant about why the response to that being "so what, why should there be more women? Isn't throwing them in there just to have more women just as bad?" is really harmful, but I'll just leave it here. Sorry for all the :words: this just happens to be a topic I care a lot about.

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I'm pretty sure in the doctors wife they mention the possibility of a gender crossing regenerations. If people are gonna stickle about cannon.

(those are bad people)

I haven't watched the older series so i don't know too much about regeneration, but is a female doctor possible? I mean he's supposed to have had kids, and even have been a grandfather, does that lock him into one gender? That is, if Timelords even have traditional humanesque genders.

Sure why not.

I don't think I would hate it if Quiet from the MGSV trailer somehow got Mistral's poofy jacket from the future to cover up that kind of pointlessly sexualised character design.

It's weird because while nearly every MGS lady is all sexed up at least once with varying degrees of justification, nearly every MGS lady is also a round character with motivations and in control of their lives. That's why I want to see more of her, and the others, before writing them off.
Liked by: D K Booky

I know about and like feminist indie games, I just didn't think that was worth mentioning in my original question. What I don't get is the need to "reverse" things. We have a lack of female characters for no reason now, how is it better to have too many female characters for no reason? We should...

just have good characters and stop trying to force one gender over the other. That's actually what Japan's gaming industry does, in spite of how many people think it's sexist. They have dumb games for dumb people and smart games for smart people, and the latter has next to no sexism.
It would be great if one gender weren't put over the other, that's the goal! The problems are exclusion, stereotyping, and objectification; so the goals are exposure, innovation, and characterization. I still fail to see how this is threatening or will punish all the hardworking fictional men who currently star in billion-dollar franchises.
Liked by: Booky


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