
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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If you were contracted to make a superhero comic, what would it be about?

That would probably be stipulated in the contract.
Liked by: Booky

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will you and your wife do a let's play together?

I think this would be a great way to continue on with all the games I've recorded, such as
Liked by: Booky

What's an unpatriotic Commie like yourself doing on ask.fm? Prove your loyalty to America!

I have never committed a crime against the United States, which is more than can be said for most people running the place.

I've been browsing YouTube, and was disappointed to find out that there's no video containing all of Groose's appearances in Skyward Sword.

Or you could just play it. It's good stuff.
Liked by: Chr0nite Booky

Speaking of wedding dresses, did you wear a tuxedo? Does it have a snazzy bow-tie?

No, I just got a brand new suit. we were a bit more casual and figured at least one of us should wear something we'd get to use again. I looked fine as hell though.
Liked by: Booky Full Name

Any monologues you'd suggest for a down and out Fungus?

VIOLET. I ever tell you the story of Raymond Qualls? Not much story to it. Boy I had a crush on when I was thirteen or so. Real rough-looking boy, beat-up Levis, messy hair. Terrible underbite. But he had these beautiful cowboy boots, shiny chocolate leather. He was so proud of those boots, you could tell, the way he’d strut around, all arms and elbows, puffed-up and cocksure. I decided I needed to get a girly pair of those same boots and I knew he’d ask me to go steady, convinced myself of it. He’d seem me in those boots and say, “Now there’s the gal for me.” Found the boots in a window downtown and just went crazy: I’d stay up late in bed, praying for those boots, rehearsing the conversation I was going to have with Raymond when he saw me in my boots. Must’ve asked my momma a hundred times if I could get those boots. “What do you want for Christmas, Vi?” “Momma, I’ll give all for it up just for those boots.” Bargaining, you know? She started dropping hints about a package under the tree she had wrapped up, about the size of a boot box, real nice wrapping paper. “Now, Vi, don’t you cheat and look in there before Christmas morning.” Little smile on her face. Christmas morning, I was up like a shot, boy, under the tree, tearing open that box. There was a pair of boots all right… men’s work boots, holes in the toes, chewed-up laces, caked in mud and dog shit. Lord, my momma laughed for days.

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Liked by: Chr0nite

Hey, so what happened to you during the Deep Fear wrongpurae? You were in the beginning of the second video and mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again.

There were a lot of delays and I got called away before I could finish the last take. It was the day my wife picked her wedding dress and we were hosting guests and they all got home. I couldn't send them out again or tell them to shut up just so I could laugh at Mookie.
Liked by: Booky Full Name

Were you disappointed you weren't on the Mean Girls Alcohollywood episode? You've seem to have some praise for it from previous videos.

I like that I've kept some variety in my guest spots, and Kat called that one about as soon as the lineup was shared.

I don't care what just please name something in 13a "Djinn and Tonic" ok bye.

This is our next tavern, for sure.

What are your favourite tabletop rpgs in different settings? E.g. Dungeon World for fantasy, apocalypse world for post-apocalypse, changeling: the lost for modern etc.

I just use Synnibar for everything.

Would you watch the Rocky Horror and Bullwinkle Picture Show?

The full title is "The Rocky Horror and Bullwinkle Picture Show, or: The Modern Promooseius"
Liked by: Campesino D K


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