
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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If you had to choose, what would be your game of the year gta 5 or the last of us?

Guess I'd have to play one of them first.

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Okay then, what about moonbase or 10th planet? Or are you more of a dalek fan?

Having something complete when there was nothing would be amazing. Of the completely missing episodes Marco Polo, Power of the Daleks, and maybe The Macra Terror are the accepted 'best'. Of those, Power is the most significant as Troughton's first story. Of those with only one (previously?) surviving episode Evil of the Daleks is the one everybody goes nuts for. A complete Master Plan would also be great because it has 9 missing episodes, which is more than any of the others.

I hear they rediscovered some lost episodes of some old British scifi show. Thoughts?

Film archival is always a good thing. I'm waiting for the announcement of which specific episodes to see how excited to be. If it's the complete Evil of the Daleks I will shit rainbows.

Thoughts on poopsocking among MMO players: sadly regrettable, the height of stupidity, or completely understandable?


Why are Old School D&D Edition Wars so pissed off about 4E's release, when for the previous 8 years 3rd Edition was just as antithetical to their sensibilities?


DId you and Chip ever "experiment," if you know what I mean?

We started hanging out in physics class, so that's a lot of experiments right there.

Wait, if Anime Theater taught me anything, does that imply Chicago, the city on the whole, is Jesus?

I can see how one would reach that conclusion.
Liked by: Booky


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