
Guardian Dreamer

Ask @GuardianDreamer

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How do each of your characters handle romance/love interests?

I tried to fit most of my characters, but then I ran out of room. So you'll have to settle for this.
Rei Saito - I doubt she'd change the way she acted anyway and she would probably do nothing about it.
Kokoro Ito - Assuming the world wasn't in a state of ruin and there was no conflict, she would probably totally look at books for the best way to handle this situation. Then she would realize how silly that is, pray a bit for guidance, and then nervously confess in private.
Alexis Lockswell - She'd likely be confused at the concept of love at first, then she would think that maybe she just feels the way she does because she wants to continue her family line, and eventually she would realize it's more than that. At that point she would confess in a very paladin-like way.
Kenneth Roymond - Aside from the fact that Kenneth is kind of dead, I can't imagine him falling in love due to his excessive self-loathing.
Ewyn - Would likely think about love in the weird way he thinks about everything, and then surprisingly be very blunt in his actual confession. It'd be weird.
Charlotte Swan - She would hijack her High School's announcement system and loudly proclaim her love over it just because it would be fun.
Mark Dawn - Confess to a person he literally just met like a total dork. (This really happened.)
Margaret Dawn - She lives in a world filled with zombies, so she would probably confess but then insist that a relationship shouldn't be started since it might cause moments of weakness. How that would then go depends on who the other person is.
Hazuki Shiraki - Hazuki feels weird about friendship, so love is something else to her. She would probably assume that she was just mixing up deep friendship with romantic love and that that's dangerous to do. Hazuki likely HAS received love letters before (because famous violinist) but she's never really reacted to them much.
Kyouji Kamishiro - Kyouji wouldn't confess to anyone unless under very special circumstances since he feels like confessing to anyone would be breaking the "friendship rule". If someone confessed to Kyouji, he would then have a moment of (semi-intentional) silliness as he would say that he loved that person too, and all of his other friends too, of course! If that person then persisted, Kyouji's expression would likely turn into a bittersweet smile and he'd blush a bit. He would ask if that person was sure, and then he would say that he's genuinely moved, but feels like it wouldn't be right since he's still only a hero-in-training. If this was someone Kyouji considered a close friend and they persisted, he'd probably reveal some backstory stuff and his own self-perceived flaws, and then finally accept. All the feels would be had. He would then be the most lovey-dovey person ever. Seriously. Go look at how his mother (Yumina) acts in RSE. That is basically how Kyouji would act. I made love hard for him just to save everyone from the lovey-doveyness that would ensue.

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No, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea if I ever had the money/materials/time to make a good cosplay.

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The entirety of a fanfic called "30 H's" is intentionally So Bad It's Awesome. Go look up the Dramatic Reading on YouTube by manwithoutabody. Seriously, you won't be disappointed. (Keep in mind it has excessive swearing and vulgar images, though.)

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Least favorite sequel is definitely Tomoyo After (Visual Novel), which was a sequel to Clannad. I don't particularly feel like explaining all the problems I have with it, but I'll just say that it had much less "soul" to it. Also they took Tomoya (An interesting protagonist) and made him completely generic. How do you even do that. I think I've talked to NN about why I dislike it, and he more or less agrees with me on a lot of points. It's probably not the WORST sequel ever (It's more extremely mediocre/bad than absolutely terrible) but it's my least favorite.
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... I'm sorry, I can't pick just one. I like characters in different ways so this is impossible for me. I'll gladly answer is you can be more specific, though.


I don't know what this is about. I'm just posting this here so you can all ponder this as well.


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