
Guardian Dreamer

Ask @GuardianDreamer

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Have you ever made a huge crossover story between your characters?

Only in my mind. I actually had this idea for a Suikoden-style crossover with all of my characters in it, but I never really gave it much thought.

What is your favorite so bad it's good VN?

Depends. Do you count INTENTIONAL So Bad It's Good, or only the unintentional kind? VNs that are "So Bad It's Good" are kind of tough because VNs tend to be on the lengthy side, so usually you don't want to invest that kind of time into it. But if you're counting intentional ones, then I'll go with a VN titled "The Best Eroge Ever" that is like 5-10 minutes long (and clean, despite the name). I don't really have an "unintentional" one since I usually only read VNs if they seem promising to me. I've read plenty of BAD VNs, don't get me wrong, but I would just say they're bad instead of So Bad It's Good. (Now, if you mean decent/good VNs that are ruined by a really poor translation, then that's a different story.)

Do you follow everyone on the AAO ask list? If not... shaaaaaaame!

What is this "following" that you speak of? Is it something you eat?

What's the best death scene you've ever seen?

In ANYTHING EVER? Oh wow... You might as well ask me to pick a favorite limb. Uh... I'm really not sure. Death scenes can invoke many different emotions. They can be sad, they can be awesome, they can be extremely satisfying if it was a hated character (intentional or not), and... Yeah.
Sorry, I really can't pick just one. I can give you the most recent death scene that has moved me in any way, though. There's this Visual Novel called Cho Dengeki Stryker. It has a really awesome scene during the "Sky Saga" route, and I can't really explain it without basically spoiling the entire VN. Again, probably not THE BEST DEATH SCENE EVER, but it was the last one I can remember that moved me in any way.

So the elephant in the room: Are you a boy or are you a girl?

I don't identify as either and you can use whatever pronouns you want with me.

RP thing you're the most proud of?

On another site, I was really happy when we were able to actually finish an RP that had been going on for a long time and give it proper closure. It was the RP that Kana Saito (a character I used in the tourney) was from, and there's just something deeply satisfying about actually finishing an RP that had gone on for years. It's a bit sad too, but that bittersweet feeling is nice.

Name as many RPs you've been in as you can. Go!

This would require me to list RPs out of AAO, and I'd rather not list those so no one can use my secrets against me, so AAO only: Endless Time, Desertia, DR RP, DR RP2, UDR, Town of the Extraordinary, Final Warfare, Cold State, Justice Riders, Haruhism, Requiem, Crossover Central, Psycho/SYS, PokeRP, that one space RP Agnes was in, that one RP by Sleuf where I had an armadillo who was friends with a bird, Dimensional Chaos, Roleplay Springs Eternal, the RP Diner, inSAne, that one Attack on Titan RP that Got had for a bit, that one FE RP that Mono had for a while, both Magical Girl RPs by Topaz, Friend or Fame, Crazy Normal, Drey's space RP, Locked Alive, On/OFF, a few Trial By Posts (I can't remember the names), Nights of the Phantom, The Great Battle, and... Uh... That's all I can remember without looking anything up, sorry.

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Quickly, type your RL SHSL and what your execution would be!

SHSL Indecisive Person. My execution would be me traveling through all the RP worlds I've been a part of and then all of a sudden a black hole would appear out of nowhere. Then I'd escape it somehow. Then I'd run into a cave and get eaten by a troll.

Are you the chosen one?

Being the chosen one sounds like way too much effort. Also, chosen one in what? I wouldn't like to be the chosen one if we all had to draw straws to decide who was going to be sacrificed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Be honest: how many Sleuths have you disintegrated with your laser eyes?

None. Sleuf is a very useful unit in Thracia 776, so I can't afford to disintegrate him.

gd why do you ruin everything

I'm going to need scientific proof that I ruin everything before answering this question.

Best AAO fancase meme?

To be completely honest? I don't play a lot of fangames. If it wasn't for xat and how I can see people talking about cases on there (sometimes), I would barely know anything about the fancase community. I guess the entirety of "I Wanna Be The Turnabout" would be my answer, since I greatly enjoyed that and it was infamous for a while.

Best AAO Ask.fm besides yourself?

What are you talking about? I am the only AAO Ask.fm. I say so, therefore it must be true. ... I guess I'll give it to Chaos since he has so many questions answered.

Best AAO Roleplay meme?

If I'm going to be honest, most roleplay memes stop being funny to me after a day or two (most memes in general, actually). I guess the one that entertained me for a bit longer than usual is the "God Kokoro" meme. And not just because Kokoro is my character. I probably liked it a lot more since I don't see it too much on AAO itself (It was apparently more common on Skype, but I don't use Skype) so I was able to enjoy it for longer.

How many roads must a man walk down before you can all him a man?

How do the roads feel about this? I think we should ask them first.

Yeah, I was pretty sure that was you, hence my response. Ok, actual question: What is this process you go through when creating a brand new character?

Master Of Chaos
I don't know. I just type letters and those form words and those form sentences and eventually miracles happen. Or something. ... Honestly, it varies quite a bit. A character like Hazuki Shiraki took me a lot of planning, and I decided to create her because I suddenly felt like writing a foul-mouthed violinist. A character like Kyouji Kamishiro is more spontaneous and I just make stuff up as I go along when creating those kinds of apps, but even then, I had a basic character idea that I wanted to try.
... I guess the simplest answer is that I try to do something I haven't done before? Or I modify previously existing character ideas to see what happens. I don't know. To write is to breathe.


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