

Ask @Harriettxo

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awks when i was joking about 'not makin anon your slave' chill

What is wrong with you? all anons, leaving hate on peoples wall, people have commited suicide because of this site, yet people still hate, no one cares because i'm not pretty nor dying, oh society, you're fucked up aren't you :) Anon, you are a disgraceful peasent, you are nothing more, you disgust me, people like you leaving hate on others wall, just for pure entertainment, it's horrible, urgh, no one deserves hate, no one, so stop leaving it, I hope this gets likes so other people can see this, it's rank what people like yu do, I hate anons, they're horrible creatures with no life.
Liked by: Nicole James

to be fair you can't spell that well either :D and i admited it so..........

Why are you on anon? If you're saying i'm abusing anon, don't you think you're being a bit hypocritical? to much of a pussy to come off it, haha!

i think you is missunderstood (yh i know i can't spell like a cool kid) i was just saying that first you say go tell paige this and then you tell me to get catherine off your back and then i said dont make anon your slave thats not hypocritical (woo my spelling again)

look, i'm not attention seeking, last time this happened between us you hurt me so much, the last thing i want to happen is us two arguing again, i was trying to help stop hating me for trying to be a good friend

catherinexcox’s Profile PhotoCatherinee
J U S T L E A V E I D O N ' T C A R E C A T H E R I N E , I D O N ' T W A N T T O H E A R Y O U R ' S O B S T O R Y '

i'm not arguing i was just explaining why she's blocked you and i just wanted to know if it was you that said those things thats all xx

catherinexcox’s Profile PhotoCatherinee
she hasn't blocked me, my internet was playing up, stop involving yourself again, Catherine.

btw paige said ok but her 3G keeps disapearing ;)

lolol, okay, get catherine of my back she's arguing again

Paige isn't going out with Kaddel, are you the one giving her a hard time? because before you said "PAHA SHE'S MOVED ON QUICK" and then someone posted on her wall "you've moved on quick ahahaha" so i think that's why Paige has blocked you. was it you? xx

catherinexcox’s Profile PhotoCatherinee
Catherine, i'm sick of getting hate, go away.

un called for last time opinion on kelsey,nell,paris and izzy seriously now :D

Kelsey: so sweet omg x
Nell: a poo head, end off;)
Paris: Ma baby
Izzy: n'aw
Liked by: Kelsey

opinion on Paige c

she's going out with Kaddel, blocked me from her ask, she used to be close with me, but she thinks i'm posting hate on her wall, so idk, lol, she's pretty, but I know a lot of people who hate her, unfortunatly, I thought she was nice, but she's blaming me for things i haven't done :/

what do you think of Kaddel and Paige C as a couple?

I think they're be cute, but I don't think it will last x

opinion on kelsey,nell,paris and izzy?

can someone tell Paige it's not me on her ask, it's blocked me from going on there, I saw my name on there, and i'm confused, someone say to her to pop-up to me, wtf

You jealous of chloe going out with fin?

No, I find it so cute, why would i be jelous, I don't know Chloe, Fin is a nice guy I hope she doesn't play him.


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