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Is it ok to self harm if it is only tiny cuts?

no not a scratch, everyone is worth a lot so please to those who cut, STOP.

I cut myself and my friends saw whilst I was changing for PE an I don't know what to tell them...

tell them why you cut yourself what makes you sad, and please stop cutting yourself, your so amazing.

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Phone 0800 733 843......it's the womans refuge, they help people all the time in exactly your situation. The number operates 24 hours a day and is completely anonymous if you want it to be. But call 111 if you're in danger.

i hope she can see this!

Yes, or maybe someone she trusts like a teacher, relative... or call a womans help group anonymously or the police anonymously just to speak to someone who can help.

exactly, i hope she reads this.

i havnt told him but he beats me so im afriad of telling him he might kill me


I'm not against you I just disagree with your advice in this paritcular case... If this girl is real and she is telling the truth she NEEDS professional help and NEEDS to know what her options and rights are... The way you are talking you are condoning rape and appear on the side of the bf.

i know she should talk to somoene like a therapist

But does he love her? If they both love each other then why would there be a need for rape?? I feel sorry for the kid having to grow up with this...

i know and thats what i said. why are you against me? i swear im trying to help people.

If a guy forcibly has sex with a woman against her will it is rape....it makes no difference whether it's her bf or not...........you should be tellling her to go to the police and have him locked up.

she LOVES him.

I'm not attracted to girls I'm attracted to guys.........I want to be attracted to girls?

try having a girlfriend and see if by time you'll get attracted to her

"then go straight" Please tell me how to to do this? I'm sexually attracted to guys? That's like telling you to go gay?

but you said your attracted to girls? well to go straight you have to get a girlfriend dress differently cut your long hair etc.

WTF........you're telling her to stay with a guy that raped her???

she said hes her boyfriend so its not technically "raping" and she has to have a father for her baby

my boyfriend raped me but i dont want to breakup with him becaues i love him also im pregnant and im 15 wat should i do

dont leave him because you need a father for your baby. so you need him. does he know your pregnant?


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