

Ask @Idontlikethisstuff

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since we got our feelings out in the open, who do you want to be better friends with here? list names so we can make magic happen

Listing is effort but anyone really. If you want to be my friend, I want to be yours

k double trouble thoughts on both Cat and Kat?

Cat is amazingly nice and has good TV show taste and I still owe her questions :')
I don't know Kat very well but she seems nice af as well
Liked by: Kat

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thoughts on alan jared jackson and will?

Alan is gr8
Jared is hilarious
Jackson has the best questions
Will seems pretty cool and funny but I don't really know him
They're all awesome

thoughts on becca?

Don't really know her though she does have funny answers so she's quite funny

thoughts on ellie?

ellie is funny and really cool and nice apart from when she threatens to tell on me

what if one day all the paper currency in the world was voided and the monetary values were transferred to stuffed animals

I wouldn't be very rich :(

$15 for nudes of minor users. power users $35. Lemme know if you're interested and i'll contact you.. ;). personal info also available for $7.95 a pop

I'll pass, thanks

remember ryan? 3ohoh5? remember that guy?

I remember him, he seemed cool but he wasn't on much when I started becoming more active so I didn't see much of him

can u like delete ur account forever and never come back? pretty please?

Maybe in a couple of years time

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

Middle, towards the back


Language: English