
Charlotte Rigby

Ask @Ilovegingers98

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What’s something you should throw away, but can’t?

My old Burnley shirts!
How do I know that they aren't lucky and if I throw them away, Burnley won't lose all of the last four matches! I don't know!
Therefore I have to keep them. :)

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

Bang your head really hard against a wall. It'll knock you out! :)
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haha I saw you liked my answer and I looked at your ask and saw you love gingers so I was wondering...I watch Sherlock too van gogh was the saddest for me and the fires of pompei the day of the doctor titanic and the episode with the rose tyler..... and then the does it really need saying.

I know.
Doctor Who and Sherlock= perfection

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Do you watch Doctor who?

Yep yep yep!
Actually it's a toss up between him, Sherlock and Natalie. (Natalie is beautiful)

~sometimes I feel like I dont have a partner Sometimes I feel like My only friend is The city I live in The city of angels Lonely as I am Together we cry I drive on her streets cause Shes my companion I walk through her hills cause She knows who I am She sees my good deeds and She kisses me windy~

Liked by: Makaveli

wait wait is Rhcp like your favourite band?

I like loads of bands.
Red hot chilli peppers
Iron maiden
All them shizzle!
Liked by: Makaveli

And John Frusciante, etc.. these days ppl only listen to what the radio stations play and the popular stuff

The red hot chilli peppers!!! :)
Music these days is rather rubbish, but oh well...
Tasteful people just have to spread the love for the classics.
Liked by: Makaveli

omg you like the beatles?? ~fangirls~

Who doesn't like the Beatles?
who doesn't know all of the words to all of their songs?
Liked by: Makaveli

~eleanor rigby~

Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people (Ah, look at all the lonely people)
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people (Ah, look at all the lonely people)
Where do they all belong?
No relation to mine. :)

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Liked by: Makaveli

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

Noone can answer how well they sing. If they could, we wouldn't have those idiots on britains got talent and the Xfactor. Those peopl who think they can sing but really, really can't.
Liked by: Makaveli

Views on the edl?

The EDL, also know as The English Defence League. Those, as they state it, who protest against Islamic extremists. I'm assuming we are talking about Islamic terrorists.
We are all aware that there are only a few Islamic terrorists and that there are many terrify organisations that have no route or claim to being Islamic.
I, like I'm sure many people do, disagree with terrorism, it is a disgusting way to attempt to solve problems, and will probably make them worse.
I understand, and I hope others do, that being a terrorist does not automatically mean you are Muslim, and being Muslim does not automatically mean you are a terrorist. This is the most stupid stereotype there is.
I think that the EDL are right to protest against terrorism. But they should use peaceful ways, meaning don't spray "EDL forever Pa**s out" in my train station, that is ridiculous and they should calmly protest about extremist views as a whole, not just focus on Islam, as this is racist.
I believe that in the case of terrorism for religion, everything is mixed up and there is a huge misunderstanding of the religious texts, and terrorism should be stopped by rectifying these mistakes, and not by groups such as the EDL.
I hope my answer does not give offence to anybody, I don't see why it should.
I also apologise foray spelling mistakes, it was a long answer.
:) xxxx

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*views on Pakistani's* Dem views!! such views much wow!! thanks *_* *salutes*

Just tell it like it is, if people aren't going to do that, why open their mouths in the first place. Unless it's to be nice to someone, in that case: GO FOR IT!!


Charlotte Rigby
I have got to say, I hate those who use other people's insecurities to make themselves feel better.
It is disgusting behaviour that demonstrates the human need for constant appreciation.
A vain, judgemental comment on somebody's race, sexuality, hair colour, or religion, can be one of the most hurtful things for somebody to hear.
If your going to say something to a person, please, at least have the decency to pull yourself away fom the computer and say it in person. That way, the receiver can deal with it to your face, rather than have to type it out. Some people speak better than they write, so give them an equal chance to express their distaste in your comments.

Do you think the best pee of the day is after you wake up?

Haa ha ha ha ha ha this has just made my day, thankyou so much.
And it depends on when you really need a pee.
Liked by: Basil Dar Full Name

What's your actual full name? :L

I'm like Madonna, I only have one name.
Well actually she has three, but ya know...
Liked by: Full Name

Have you ever been overseas before? :)

Yeah, when I was very young, I went to Spain numerous times.
I've recently been to Belgium, France and Germany.
:) :) xx
Liked by: Full Name


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