
Ask M.F.W's OCs ♐

Ask @ImMutantTroll

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What is your favorite spring flower?

"Wild rose flower of the dawn.
a soft touch one heart bring tears
to my eyes.
wild rose
wild rose
how I wonder how you are.
the silkiness of lips of
in the meadow and in the grove
O'wild rose of loveliness
my spring flower of life you are
a song with in a song.
as pure as lily of spring water of life.
what is in a song but with in your heart
to love pure and warm."

Which is stronger – love or hate?

For millions of years, I felt only and only hatred.
I hated and hated, I craved for destruction and the view of vain escaping life dripping blood which glowed crimson under my feet. I held beating hearts, I ate so many living things. Never satisfied.
My animosity never brought me enough joy to stop myself and take a breath.
It was Her, who showed me that love is actually quite interesting. And how needed and important in life is. But love is not strong. Nothing is strong. No one knows who or what is truly the strongest. It's limitless.
If it wasn't for Her, this world would woefully kneeled down before me. I would go beyond extremes just to soothe my cravings..
I'd without a doubt- try to achieve the limit of unlimit.
By hate.

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(I dunno, I've known this song for long and I was just scrolling through my music folder after a long while =v= Hah, I can help you with that xD Wanna see crazy babe?)

Ask Memory's OCs ♏

(Disturbed's songs fit her so much XD "Haven't they suffered enough, haven't they suffered enough, haven't they suffered enough, damage more than they can take")

Ask Memory's OCs ♏
(I think so too! Which is cool, I find songs that fit my lovely children rarely... T o T)


Ask Memory's OCs ♏
(WHAT THE F_ASDASDAS *Drools on it* BLEHBLEASDSA NOOO?M??!?!! YOU SEE, YOUR FUCKING ART IS SOMETHING I WANT TO FUCK, MEM..memyouknowhowmuchyourartturnsmeonsoshhhh)

What inspires you?

"Asher Foster, vedoucí stanice Zeta... první posudek. Přivezen dnes: 16 Ledna ____. Údajně nalezen v jeho potápěčském obleku, v bezvědomí, v otevřeném oceánu. Foster zjevně konzumoval velké množství bio korupce. Pravděpodobně týdny. Je těžké říct jak to ovlivnilo jeho zdraví než jeho jasně viditelnou podvýživu. Jako by ho to přinutilo si vydloubnout jeho obě oči. Malé množství bio korupce bylo vždy považováno za naprosto bezpečné, ale nemůžu si vybavit že bych někde slyšela doporučení k léčbě přeexponování. Vzhledem k vlastnostem bio korupce pochybuji že je nějak jedovatá, ale její více transformační aspekty zapříčiněny ferrofluidy mě nutí přemýšlet, že se zaručeně dají očekávat ošklivé buněčné mutace. Myslím.. Myslím že to budu ještě muset prokonzultovat s Dr. Dominikem Hochheimem... "
- Audrey Jeannectieux [Audio recording]

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What can you promise to your friends?

⚫: Living in that world of yours, you don't want to leave.
Drowning in your utopian universe - why? Don't you want to see lights of the true realm? You keep pushing things away until there's no time to catch up..-
⚪: Shut up..
⚫: Cut that needless hateful tone. Your shell is breaking and you know it. You're not able to find home in none of these worlds. Not even death can save you from that hungry chasing fate you were given by the cry of your hopeless, stupid mother.
⚪: You're stressing me...
⚫: I know I am. You're so impossible. So impossible, you can't even beat yourself. You were meant to not exist and yet- you're so lucky to be here with us. Or should I say, unlucky? Look at you. You keep on trying to restore balance to your dream. But it's time to open your eyes and face your subconscious nightmares.
⚪: I'm reconsidering your help, _____...
⚫: I never thought I'd say this but, I don't find interest in your being anymore.
⚪: I'd do anything to not be aware of the present. I'd sacrifice anything, anyone- just to not feel this awfully human.
⚫: Have you learnt for your mistakes, _____?
⚪: I still have no idea, what I did in the past and why am I paying for nothing this hard, but, please.. ______. If I ever remember what I did, and why was I banished - please, please promise me that you'll take me back where I belong. Please... please...
⚫: I'm afraid I'm not capable of such thing. After all, I'm on the same level as you, only not suffering so much, my pain is but bearable.
⚪: Then tell me, _____. What were my actions like?.. Why did I deserve this.
⚫: I believe they were rather... cataclysmic.
⚪: I want to go home and apologize......

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Tell us, Nix, how do you spend rainy days? uwu

Ask Memory's OCs ♏
Nix: I usually spend rainy days at home with Nao, reading mostly. I used to have big friendly conversations with all my 17 weapons, we would just sit around our kitchen table and analyze our actions, ourselves- being who we are...were. It was a long time since all of them abandoned me, and it was quite some time since I was, resurrected.
I spend free rainy days with finding one particular cure.
*whispers* A cure for Nao's corruption.
He still looks troubled after what he did, and his regret and anxiety isn't helping him recover. I wish he could become my old odachi katana again.. but I can't risk. I already died once because of my neglect, so I'm doing all the best for him. I communicate, making him do some simple tasks, I even bought him a cookbook so he can learn how to cook.. he needs,.. hobby. Something to do in his free time.
I'm trying to awake his emotions that his madness and malady ate away.
Helping out my best friend.
But I greatly sidestepped! I try to 'cure' him everyday, not only on rainy days, but- when it comes to rainy days, I have much more free time for him. ^^

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Hiroto (the bunny girl): *Stares at Hashasky with a fell-in-love expression* sigh~

Ask Memory's OCs ♏
Hashasky: *Due to a big depression he got all drunk dumb and struggles with perceiving the world around him. It took him two crates of the best saké and pure vodka to get his sences numb* snifff.. eeee-..eehh sob *sobbing polar bear*

*Gives Nox a birthday hat* HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU DIPSHIT

Nox: Thanks.............. ( ̄ヘ ̄ )
Kyoku-sama: LOL! PFFFFF ( ᗒᗨᗕ)
Kosachi: Well, that's what you get for being a terrible person, Nao. (¬‿¬)
Deki: This is- this is- *Dying of laughter* (*′☉.̫☉)
Jiki: Brilliant! ( ≧∇≦)/
Ayaho: I am speechless! ( "≖‿≖)
Nocti: Ingenious. (๑꒪▿꒪)*

What is your favorite drink on cold evenings?

[2201]: The delivery was served! I've finished the prototype, it's now fully functioning supplement. Please note, that consumption of this fiber must be taken seriously- regular dosing is the most important thing! Pill can be mixed with food or drinks- so it can be given like a usual medicine. Fiber consumption has four parts, you take one in the morning before breakfast, one is at noon- before lunch, add one to your afternoon brunch and finally- finish the circle with dinner. Remember, you can't break the flow once you've already taken the supplement- if you forget to take it, it'll possess no effect. I require seeing me afterwards. But I know you two are smart people with not so busy schedules~ Now! Sending number to my account so you know where to send your payments! -> 0153369 For now, enjoy your new candies~
[2201]: Also, the delivery- supplies of the fiber should last you for a month. If you run out of them, contact me and we'll strike a deal. But if someone steals them for illegal purposes- first you'll do is that you'll contact me- and then send the military. I apologize, but such hard work musn't fall into villain's hands.. after all, I've invented it, and it's my money (^u^) See you guys sometime!
[2201] left the room
[2512]: Heheh, perfect! Just what I needed. I'll send the payment right away! I'm really looking forward to feel its effects.. I am feeling weaker and weaker each day. I hope it's worth it, Hazad.
[0203]: Ah, yes, my words. It's just like taking vitamins! I've tried many other ways to achieve my missing minerals- now, when I've got this amazing opportunity. I oblige.
[2201] joined the room
[2201]: It's alright~ you'll thank me later. I'm honored to help you in any way- most of all, your dear health!
[0203]: Of course.. we're both very thankful! u;;
[2201]: Aha, miss Sonoda, don't be just yet! I'm excited for you two, keep me posted please.
[2512]: Don't worry, we'll take care of it. I can't wait to try it out! I've been waiting long enough for this redemption of yours.
[2201]: You don't have to call my products a 'redemption'. That's just what I like to do the most, help those in need. We all live in big friendly world where we cooperate between each other.
[0203]: Yes, yes! :>
[2512]: I need to convene one more meeting this month, we need to talk about something regarding other dimensions. Plus, we can chit chat while being there. My, my. My package has already arrived and is waiting for me in the mail ♪
[0203]: So you're going?
[2512]: Correct, I can't wait to lay my hands onto it. Goodbyes for now, we'll see in a week.
[2512] left the room
[2201]: Of course! See you later, Eclair. I'll go do my work now as well, so if you'll excuse me, miss Sonoda~?
[0203]: Sure! Oh and- call me Nave only :>
[2201]: Brilliant! Goodbye miss Nave, then~
[2201] left the room
[0203] left the room

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