

Ask @Inezanastasya

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What did lou say to naughty boys? Why did zayn say such a thing? Tell mehh!!! Im fucking confused nett

jadi lou kaya nyindir naughty boy about his selfie with zayn terus zayn tweets something mean gitu ke lou padahal lou nya cuma mau belain kita gitu ASDFSHSQN sumpah i cant:' #RIPZouis
Liked by: Nabila Navelindo


hell yeah babe.
gatau kenapa but i guess i've lost all my respect to zayn.

What is the most important thing that ever happened to you?

my eyebrows. im planning to get this shit done gamau tau alis gw harus perfect banget nget nget. terus udh gitu gue harus extension bulu mata kek kylie beh gila my dreams itu mah
What is the most important thing that ever happened to you


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