

Ask @IrdinaNazurah

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yep! hihi. always sleep late even school days. wahahaha! high five!

kat sekolah tak ngantuk ke ? ni mesti kak asna hyper kat sekolah so tak mengantuk mcm saya wahahaha

why? tak caye ke? from last year lagi. crush still same. hihi ><

wahhhh , setia betul . bagus bagus .. ada jodoh amin x3 ngee , memang biasa tidur lambat eh ? hehe , high five ! (Y)

awak nak thu tk .. adam tu bukan baik sgat pun eleh kwan ngan budak hot cm awak memang lerr geli je ..

What do you get from talking bad abt people anyways ?

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exo?! forget them for a while please. boleh la tapi sakit hati sebab crush akak sekelas dengan akak. takleh focus. joke.joke. lews. Alhamdulillah skola okay. hahaha

why exo ? o.o waaaahhhh ada crush dah XD amboi akak amboi amboi

malunya ada orang tahu kita demam eue eh, akak takpe. kamu tu kena tido awal.

ngee , layankan exo kat youtube hahaha .. kat sekolah ok ? akak dapat aliran sains fizik + kimia + akaun + addmath kan ? wowwww

Alhamdulillah sihat. sihat macam tu je. baru baik demam. sikit je. lews

oh , haritu stalking pun mcm perasan akak demam ngee .. asal tak tidur lagi ni ? haha , esok sekolahhh XD
Liked by: Ậzz

its easy actually to hurt anyone i want but sometimes i think that i regret doing that .. urgh i hate that feeling

hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea , but do you have any idea how deep the stone can go ?
Liked by: Ậzz

what will you do when you catch someone lying to you ? it must be hurt rite .. humph

when i catch someone lying to me, i don’t call them out on it. i keep it to myself and stop trusting their word
Liked by: Ậzz

i lied my boyfriend and honestly i dont love him anymore , help me :'(

Never lie to people, because the people you are able to lie to, are the people who trust you

what are the things that people want more than anything ?

they want to be missed the day they don't show up.they want to be missed when they're gone

taksangka ada orang terharu.

ngee .. dina deactive sebab stress sebenarnya haha .. tp dah oke dah sekarang :) akak sihat ?

amacam budak form 1 ?

besar besar dan tinggi tinggi belaka .. pernah ada budak form 1 tertolak aku dekat kantin dan aku terus terpusing , haha terkejut gila serious .__.

that is so awesome like wowww .. semua nampak ceria dan comel belaka wow daebak im jealous .. where re u in tht picture ?

haha , saya ada dalam gambar tu tp tk nmpak sangat ngee .

yekeeeeeeee sekolah perempuan semua ? ada ke macam tu ? takkan takde sorang pon lelaki dlm kelas ?

my classmates .


Language: English