
Jennifer Jimenez

Ask @JenniferJimenez95

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Do you like Brandon? do you guys have a crush on each other or something?

We're good friends. I don't know if he has a crush on me or not.

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You dont fucking get tired of putting shit on instagram just like that hoe stefany

Woah woah woah. BUT YOU'RE AN ANON lmao, and Instagram was made to share photos, therefore I shall post photos to share with my followers. Another thing, Stefany isn't a hoe.
Once again, you're an anon, stahp :p

I have the only crush on you :[ you're my dream girl and you're drop dead gorgeous but you go out with adam :/

Why thank you ... sucks that you're on anon though...

Do you like someone who likes you but dont wanna be with them

I actually do want to be with that person.


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