
Johnny Lee Clary

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i have loved ones who say they are saved, and even a lot of entire congregations of churches, who still look funny at black people, and ocassionally let the N word fly out. And when i ask them about it, they say well this is the south, Can a person be saved doing this, or does God allow some things?

I think many elderly folks use that word out of ignorance because they were raised to say it many years ago. (Proverbs 22:6) If people can't be saved that have used the N-Word then no one on Earth is going to heaven because every human being has used that word. Until Black people stop buying the music and supporting rappers, singers, and comedians that use that word it is going to always be used. They have no right to blame white people for the use of that horrible word when they have been supporting the rappers and comics who use it. The average teenager listens to music at least 6 hours per day. Some even go to sleep with headphones on. What has never made sense to me is the Black community supports the people who use this word over and over in their music, and yell "racists" if whites don't buy their music, then they get mad and yell racist when whites use that word which they have embedded in their mind which becomes a part of their vocabulary because the music has been marketed to young white kids too. I say that word is horrible but Blacks should take control and boycott the comics and rappers who use that world or get used to other races using the N-word.

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Did you ever meet Willis Carto?

No I never met him. I used to read his paper, "The Spotlight" on a weekly basis, back in the 80's It was required reading in the Klan.

Why do so many modern so called Christians think it is ok to drink, smoke, cuss ect.?

Because their pastors of the 'Modern Churches" are refusing to preach about it from the pulpit for two reasons: 1. By not calling these things sin, "Modern Pastors" are getting those who are in bondage to attend their church and pay tithes and offerings, which those who smoke, drink, curse, ands live with their partner outside marriage are glad to do because they found a church that puts their stamp of approval on sin. 2. Many pastors of Seeker Sensitive, Emergent and Purpose Driven Life churches, smoke, drink and cuss themselves.

Can someone be truly saved in a word of faith church?

Yes they can be saved there but once they learn the truth that the Word Faith movement is false doctrine then they need to leave and go start attending a church that preaches the message of the Cross.

Hi Brother Clary! let me say tht i admire you greatly because of your amazing testimony! May i ask tht along with Jesus, who else would you like to meet in Heaven?

Thank u. There are so many people that I want to meet in heaven that I can't list them all.

So how so you feel about republicans?

I am a former Republican. I am an American Independent who supports the Tea Party and the Constitution Party. I think most of the Republican have sold out the values of the GOP and have betrayed great Republican leaders such as Ronald Reagan. I will say at least the Republicans have not denounced God like the Democrats did, but like Gov. Wallace once said, "There ain't a dime's worth of difference between the two parties."
Liked by: Rankin Plemmons

I committed a crime with a couple other people when I was unsaved.. Which has been a few years ago. I didnt cause harm to anyone but I can't seem to think that I have been forgiving for that if I haven't turn myself in for it. I'm scared to say thing about it because I have 2 small children at home

I can only tell you what the Word says and leave it at that. If you have asked God for forgiveness, then God doesn't remember it anymore. Hebrews 8:12; Isaiah 43:25. This is all between you and God.

Did the media railroad George Zimmerman to stirrup racial tension?

I think the media exploited the situation in order to sell stories. The media is responsible for much of the hate that was stirred up and Sharpton, Jackson, and the race-baiter crowd is responsible for the rest of it.
Liked by: Rankin Plemmons

Hey Johnny im an African American living in Kentucky where there is still a lot of racism. Some say worse than the deep south. How do I over come it? I try to love these hard headed people but sometimes it dosnt work

You will not always be able to win people over, so don't let it get you down. The only thing you can do is brush it off and go on after you make an effort and they reject you. Jesus said don't cast your pearls before pigs and shake the dust off your feet when they reject you. Matthew 7:6; 10:14 There are people out there who will value you so don't waste too much of your time on those who don't.

Many Ministers interupt their message when they think they need to close with," I'VE GOT TO HURRY". What if a SOUL is just about ready to accept Jesus BUT the Minister is in a hurry? I'm 65 years old. That statement is a distraction to me and I would never say it. Thank you!

I totally understand what you are saying. I would like to point out though, in their defense, that when many guest ministers say "I've got to hurry" it could be because they have been given instructions from the pastor of the church that they are to be done at a certain time so they are trying to rush and get the main point and altar call in before their time is up. I have preached in churches where I felt the Holy Spirit wanted me to take just a few moments more, but the pastor ordered the keyboard player to come up and start playing to drown me out. I know of pastors who keep an alarm clock in the pulpit with a beeper and when it goes off that means stop or they will stop you. Some pastors think it is more important to make sure everyone is dismissed at a certain time so it does not upset their top tithe payers. Now it is not always the pastor that limits the time. For instance our church is on World Wide TV live, so we only have a limited opportunity of time to get our message preached before time to go to the next program. Therefore, not only guest speakers but our pastor himself is respectful of the time and wants to get the mainstay of the message in because we have media church members all over the world watching and in order to get the message done and altar call done then we need to be respectful of the time. Hope that clears it up for you.

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Liked by: Thomas Coley

Do you hate democrats?

No I don't "hate" democrats. The Bible says to love the sinner but hate the sin. I hate the party and what it stands for because they are Anti-God, Anti-Christian, and pro-murder of unborn children, Pro-IRS and Raising taxes and against traditional marriage by promoting non-tradtional marriage. They are God-haters. The Democratic Platform is not of God and is of the Devil, but the people who are democrats need to be saved because Christ died for their sins like he did everyone else. Jesus is the cure for their left wing liberalism!

How young are you Brother? Did you know Robert Shelton?

Thomas Coley
Thanks for thinking I am young! I knew of Robert Shelton but had no dealings with him personally but I knew many of his officers from the UKA.
Liked by: Thomas Coley

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

That is a silly question that is not worth answering.

Is there anyway to stop Agenda 21?

Yes! Get rid of the Democrats in the Senate and House in 2014 and don't elect a Democrat as President in 2016!

Our of all you're suits, which one is you're favorite ?

The reason I have a variety is because they are all my favorites depending on the day and my mood because I can change and mix and match! :-)

What song best describes your life right now?

I thought that number one would surely be me
I thought I could be what I wanted to be
I thought that I could build on lives
Sinking in sand
But I realize I can't even walk
Without You holding my hand
I thought that I could do a lot on my own
I thought I, I thought I could make it all alone
I thought, I thought of myself
As a mighty, mighty big man
But I realize I can't even walk
Without You holding my hand
Lord I can't even walk
Without You holding my hand
Because the mountains are so high
And the valleys are so wide
I'm down on my knees
I had to say,
Lord I can't even walk
Without You holding my hand

Who are your enemies?

Self-Righteous Church people that pretend to be Christians, The KKK, Nazis, Communists, Hippies, Black Panthers, and any liberal you can name.

Who was your idol when you were growing up?

I would not refer to them as idols because I had no idols, but rather heroes. I had several that I looked up to. Some were good and some were bad. I politics, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were my heroes. In Music, it was George Jones, Hank Williams, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, and just about the entire cast of Hee Haw. In wrestling it was John "The Golden Greek" Tolos.


Language: English