

Ask @Kaiirel

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Ah mince, et sinon, en téléchargement direct, où est-ce que tu trouve les tiens du coup ? :)

pareil, je cherche sur google (genre je tape par exemple arrow s01e01 720p web dl et je fouine un peu). Je suis désolée je suis prête à aider pour n'importe quoi mais pour ce genre de truc je suis vraiment pas la bonne personne...!

give me three female characters who are the most like you (morally)

I honestly have no idea...! jeez I'm so boring, I can't think of any character right now (except emily from skins perhaps but I couldn't even explain why), and most of my favourite characters are my fave because they are nothing like me...!
Liked by: Ariet

your least favorite season of doctor who ? skins ? game of thrones ? nikita ? lost girl ? and chuck ?

doctor who: season 3 but I don't really know why, 'cause I do love martha! I guess that's probably because of the storylines in each episode!
skins: season 2, I'm not a huge fan of the first gen...!
game of thrones: season 3, I feel like nothing happened (except in the last couple of episodes ofc)
nikita: season 2, it wasn't as good as the first and third seasons...!
lost girl: really hard because I loved every season, all I know is that season 3 is my favourite but I don't really have a least favourite season...!
chuck: season 1, it took a while to get into the show and I genuinely fell in love with it (and charah) in season 2!
Liked by: Bia (:

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Coucou ! J'aimerai savoir où est-ce que tu télécharges les épisodes HD que tu te sers pour tes vidéos ? :) Je cherche désespérément ceux de Merlin (S4 et S5 en priorité) mais impossible de les trouver....les seuls torrent que je trouve ne marchent pas....une idée ? :)

ahhh désolée je suis vraiment pas la bonne personne pour ça, je n'utilise pas de torrents...!

Ah oui, c'est sur que pour le coup nine, ten & eleven on souffert pour rien tout ce temps... Autant pour moi! Et si tu l'as comprise, tu pourrais m'expliquer la fin avec Tom Baker ? Parce que pour ma part, je parviens toujours pas à saisir cette scène.

bah il y a un truc que je pige pas trop non plus, comme tu dois le savoir Tom Baker a joué un Doctor (le quatrième je crois), et là Eleven disait un truc du genre "j'aimerais tellement pouvoir me reconvertir en conservateur" et c'est là où Tom débarque et dit que c'est déjà fait mais comment c'est possible...? normalement il a du se régénérer...? et en plus quand c'était le cas il était jeune quoi... perso je pense que c'est purement du fanservice (comme Billie/Rose un peu, qui était légèrement inutile), juste pour plaire aux fans et la preuve ça a marché puisque tout le monde était heureux de le revoir...! après j'ai lu un post sur tumblr comme quoi le Doctor pourrait se régénérer en un "ancien lui" mais encore plus vieux, donc on gros ça serait un futur Doctor mais je trouve que ça serait un peu tiré par les cheveux...!

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Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "what about everything that nine, ten & eleven went through? I might be wrong but is it all gone now?" ? Parce que je crois que tu as mal compris :p

Le fait que le Doctor se sentait mal d'avoir détruit Gallifrey quand on lui demandait qui il était, d'où il venait, etc. en gros c'était une partie de lui, de sa personnalité, et maintenant bah vu que Gallifrey est sauvée du coup tout ça on l'oublie quoi...? il est heureux et tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes? mais après je me trompe peut-être hein, et en même temps j'ai hâte de le voir à la recherche de Gallifrey!

What do you think of arrow ? Is that a great show ?

I watch it and I LOVE it! it's my guilty pleasure though, it's not the best show ever and the acting is sometimes a bit awkward idk, but I really enjoy watching it and I'm so obsessed with oliver & felicity <3

do you like clara oswald ? and what about river song ?

I DO, she's so lovely and one of my favourite companions :') as for river song, I like her too! (but I don't ship eleven/river though)

Can you tell us smthg abt yourself that you've never told us ? :D (M)

I'm a "survivor" :) (sounds so weird to say it because it happened so many years ago and I don't even remember it ahah)

and your favorite episode of each season of dw ? (and why)

1x02 because that's when i fell in love with the show, 2x13 because it made me so emotional (ten/rose feeeeels), 3x10 because it's my favourite DW episode ever, 4x08/09 because I just loved the storyline, 5x10 because it made me cry (ohhhh just realized I forgot to put a scene from this episode in my top 5 sad moments yesterday!), 6x07 because of the plot twist at the end (but the episode itself was really good) and 7x05 because of reasons ;________;

your favorite episode in each season of skins ?

1x02 and 2x09 (cassie), 3x06 (naomi), 4x02 (sofia), 5x03 (mini) and 6x09 (mini and franky) :)


IT WAS SO GOOD (sorry for replying so late but I couldn't watch it yesterday). It didn't disappoint me at all (I was a bit afraid of that because I had (still have) high expectations for this season, since it's the last one), my favourite show is definitely back AND I MISSED IT SO MUCH. everything was perfect from the beginning, loved the storyline, the acting, and can I just say how perfect was the scenery? seriously? it's really refreshing to see them not in some sort of basement (meaning division) but outside, I just loved it. and I love what they're doing with nikki, it reminds me of the good old days (season 1, when she was a runaway). one thing though, it was way too short, especially since there will only be 6 episodes... but this season looks promising and I hope it will stay the same :)

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what do you think about the relation harvey/mike ?

I don't really care, I guess. don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or anything, but I'm more into mike/rachel and donna/harvey :p

so what did you think about the 50th ? I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ! :D (M)

I genuinely loved it but just as much as any other DW episode...! there are so many things that made me happy in this episode, ten & eleven together, that bit of nine, tom baker, all the doctors reunited or even little things like eleven wearing amy's glasses or ten's "i don't want to go" ... it was awesome.
but on the other hand I'm disappointed that billie came back for... this. of course I'm happy that she came back but I was especting to see rose, not just a sort of projection of her. and also, as for the plot, what about everything that nine, ten & eleven went through? I might be wrong but is it all gone now? if so then I'm disappointed, it's like ignoring everything that's happened so far :( I need to rewatch the episode to fully understand everything (I was too busy fangirling about the things i have mentioned) but besides that I loved it.

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Liked by: Maddie∞

I've found the five special episodes with the regeneration of ten on a site called "dpstream" if you wanna know :)

oh I know that site! but I didn't think about it, I'll check it out then, thank you so much!!!

your three favorite characters in orange is the new black

I genuinely love all the characters and this is actually why I love this so much, they're all so interesting and lovable! (except Pennsatucky ofc) but if I had to pick three, i'd probably choose Taystee, Alex and Nicky :)

teen wolf, season 2 or 3 ?

I didn't like the beginning of season 3 but it got better and better with every episode and I wasn't a fan of the kanima storyline in season 2 so season 3! :)
Liked by: Ariet

kenzi or tamsin ?

OMGGGGGG. I'd say kenzi because she was there first but I love tam-tam so much (and I MISS HERRR).

Some great french movies to recommend ?

Intouchables (my favourite), les Petits Mouchoirs, Jeux d'enfants, La Rafle, L.O.L :)

just pmed you in yt :) you should consider using torrent though. it's really helpful :)

D4rkP4ssenger1’s Profile Photomaria.
thank you so much!!! I knooooow but I'm so afraid of getting caught...! I sometimes use them but I also avoid them as much as I can, just yesterday I saw a vidder leaving youtube because she got a warning from her internet provider or something about downloading stuff... better be too cautious lol.
Liked by: G

Autumn, winter, spring or summer ?

winter simply because summer practically lasts 6 months here and it's just annoying. and I don't know, I love the atmosphere and I love wearing sweaters, scarves, boots, etc. :p


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