
Kane Lee Goullet

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Opinion on Tiarni Hewitt...

I don't know her but she looks like a really chilled out person and she stands up for what she believes in? I don't know ahah
Liked by: Tiarni Hewitt

thoughts on nellie west

Amazing girl!! ahah we haven't talked for a while but ether way I like our chats that we have, she seems laid back about things and yeah, she is really pretty :*

Honest opinion on precious toms?

I don't know him ahah but from what I can tell from Facebook he looks like a mad cunt :P ahah nah he looks like a pretty decent guy to me so yeah :)
Liked by: Tiarni Hewitt

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Opinion on abbey jane?

One of the most beautiful girls in the school, i dont really talk to her tgat much at all so from what I can remember she's good to talk to and always has a smile on her face, wether its real or fake I don't know but she seems like a strong woman :)
Liked by: Abbey Jane

Thoughts on Katelynd Maddecks? :))

Such a beautiful and kindhearted girl, knows how to keep a conversation interesting and knows how to keep it going too :3 I love our little chats that we have although I think we should have more of them! -.- ahah but honestly, she's a pretty amazing person and also just so genuine :* <3

Your a amazing guy, your so good to talk to and I think your such a decent guy. Calling a girl beautiful is so much more better than calling a call hot, sexy and all the rest. It just goes to show there are decent guys out there :) Your my cute little muffin and I can't wait for you to come stay c:

Ahaha thankyou missy! :3 made me smile :)
Liked by: shayla chandler

I don't know how people can say some of this shit about you, your probably the most kind heart person i know and i really enjoy talking to you. You always know exactly what to say to any situation. x ☺

Awwh :$$ aha thankyou!

Thoughts on adriana simpson ? :)

She's an all round caring and loveable girl, good to have a convosation with cause she knows how to keep it going aha :P sometimes she gets to caught up on people's opinions of herself when really it doesn't matter because she knows who she is and that's all that counts. But all in all she's a good person, inside and out :) also I enjoy our chats that we have from time to time :3

your so perfect and the nicest guys i know your actually so caring and i don't know why so many people think that you fuck girls over when you don't..

Awwh Aha thankyou whoever you are! Made me smile :3

Name the last 5 girls you talk to last night :) xo

Ermm, I'm only gonna say first names because I don't have their permission to use there names.
Katelynd, kJ, jade, sammi and bianca :3

you know what I don't get? you always say how you keep getting fucked over. then once you had a girl that would never even think of ever hurting you, you fuck her over and date the next girl you see. it hurt. a lot. just think about that.

I have dated 7 girls my whole life. I have dumped three of them. The first one was because I wasn't happy with that person anymore and I wasn't about to lead them on. Second one was because I got cheated on, simple as that. And the last time I ever dumped someone was because she pushed me away to the point that we weren't talking anymore. And you know what? It was for no fucking reason at all. I tried my absolute hardest the whole relationship to make her smile and be happy, but she never seemed to care. And if she did, she didn't show it one bit. How about you go and try to make someone as happy as you can using everything you say and do to make it happen only to not even get a reaction out of them? Go see how unhappy that makes you feel. How about you get in to a relationship with someone and fall for that person uncontrollably only for them to push you away for no reason at all and all you want in the world is for that one person to be happy. Go and do all that and see for yourself how worthless and unhappy you become.
All I have left to say is, if you aren't one of those three girls then I have never "fucked" you over in anyway. Why? Because the 4 girls left out of that 7 have all been the ones fuck me over one way or another and dump me. And the reasons for dumping the three girls that i did are pretty good ones if you ask me.

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