

Ask @Kellz95

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What can be done to prevent bullying?

I honestly wish I had an answer for this.
I could say anything, but I don't know if it will always be enough. It's the sad truth.. it's human nature. For some reason people enjoy making others feel like fucking shit for no reason - part of the reason why I prefer animals over people.
I don't know, just.. tell someone if you're being bullied. Please.
Liked by: Diana

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Shit. Im on the way to castlebar to buy one for grlfnd (im a romantic). I need help with size and appropriate price. Advice? And what does aha mean?

I'm sorry i don't have a clue

Most 17 y/o would just say idk, party. Hell, iv finished college and i still dont know what i want to be when i grow up. Your an interesting girl kelly connors

I'll probably be the same haha, I change my mind alot when it comes to what I want to do

To do what?

Liberal Arts. I'm gonna study Psychology, Philosophy, History and another subject I haven't decided yet. And then I'm probably gonna do the extra years for psychology cos i wanna be a psychologist or a psychiatric nurse aha

a/s/l (obviously without the S because its obvious and the L cos its none of my concern)

So you just want my age? I'm 17

Greendays new album out of 10 ?

6/7. It's definitely not their best one. And I haven't even heard all of the songs yet so that's just judging on the ones I did hear. Kill the DJ was just awful..


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