
Kendall Wells

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I'll make a trip to the big O

K tell when you're here. We'll meet up so you can wear my glasses

you sound kinda like the people you say you don't like..

I don't like them because hey like to tell people to there face that basically they are amazing and everyone else sucks... I'm merely saying that I am really good but never said everyone else sucked and certainly would never say it to people's faces. It's social grace
Liked by: Sara

Girl I love you but that answer to the PO thing kinda makes you look like you're one of those people who's like "everyone loves me and I'm the best"

Everyone does love me and I am one of the best... I'm just courteous enough not to tell it to people's faces

Do u think ull be a good po?

I am going to be the best PO. Let's face it here. Everyone I mean EVERYONE in the biggest god damn corp in Ontario knows who I am. I get greeted by kids I don't even know when I show up on tuesdays and Saturdays. Through working with the navy league my leadership skills are amazing and I am, not to brag though, probs one of or the best Junior Cadet. I listen. I do as I'm told. The Chiefs love me. The officers love me. Everyone loves me. I'm Section leader of a section with higher ranks in it. I consider myself lucky for that. Cadet of the month 4 times. And I like being in charge. So yeah I guess I'm cocky about it but I think I'll be a great PO.

Who are you best friends that you miss that go to GHS?

Paul, Anna, Julia, Chanaynay, Mo.... I see Erin 4 times a week so I don't really miss her
Liked by: Erin Woznow


SaraRNR’s Profile PhotoSara
Do u really think my Skype name would have anything to do with pizza ?


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