
Ryan Hill

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Joe - Deena B (Amazon) Was I really a stone cole bitch? :P -Joeker

Deena was not a bitch what the FUCK
Deena was a CPN strategic queen who got screwed

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Do you think there will ever be a Season 4? Are you retiring from hosting for good?

There'll probably be Season 4 in a couple weeks

why was i the most annoying fight me irl -jacob

i explained to you on skype
i stand by it annoying bitch

"Sean - Micronesia Ozzy" Wow I've really hit rock bottom if I go from Cirie comparisons to this piece of garbage. --Sean


top 2 annoying players of each season

MARIANAS: Jordan Gerrard & Katherine Martinez
SUDAN: Nikki Palmer & Nathan Fowler
NORWAY: Jacob Fox & Alex Crooks
These people are listed for various reasons.

Most entertaining of Norway

Tim Richardson
Gerard Moore
Porsche LeStrange
Jake Benjamin
Mikayla Lemon
Rhys Romanov
Brady Spaulding
Chris Oskooi

Most entertaining of Marianas

Daniel Kennedy
Brendon Reedera
Will Johnson
Sagar Culpepper
Lynette Barclay
Patrick Janik

Compare Norway pre-merge castaways to real CBS Survivors

Dakota - So Kim
Shadi - All-Stars Cesternino (screwed from the start, gave it his best shot)
JB - HvV Tom
Tim - Abi-Maria
Sean - Micronesia Ozzy
Alex - Frank (Africa)
Ollie - Cagayan Alexis
Gerard - A mix of Kass and WA Jenn
Porsche - OW Alicia
Darcy - Micronesia Kathy

Best players of Marianas

Based off GAMEPLAY:
Jonathan... (only putting him here cuz he won so like...)
Andrea was good pre-merge, just went into the merge with a bad position

Best players of Sudan

Based off of GAMEPLAY:
Sean (Honestly, his pre-merge gameplay was amazing)

Compare Sudan merge castaways to real CBS Survivors

Sean V - John Carroll
Nikola - Palau Katie
Nikki - Hope
Joey - Reed
GiGi - RI Andrea
Bennett - A mix between Shirin & Hayden
Cole - Eliza (Vanuatu)
Joe - Deena B (Amazon)
Nathan - Natalie T
Gustavo - Ethan

Rank Marianas merge castaways to real CBS Survivors!

these are gonna be so shitty idk
Cam - Honestly, Cochran
Andrea - Nicaragua Brenda
Will - Morgan (saying this to piss him off)
Sagar - Greg Buis
Jordan - Purple Kelly
Lynette - Natalie A
Patrick - Mix of Malcolm & Erinn (Tocantins)
Cody - Sophie
Austin - A mix of Woo & Alex Bell (Amazon)
Jonathan - Amazon Jenna
Liked by: PrezOnTengaged

THANK You for all the great content in these last past three seasons. Youre a star boo :*

Love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Language: English