
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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LMAO who the fuck are you anon to tell him that. we all make poor choices in life, and he clearly regrets some of them

SurvivorsSurvivor’s Profile PhotoJacob
yeah fuck off anon x

Drugs and Sex.. your too young. I have not done either and im way older :/

Well, can't take any of it back. I'd take the drugs back if I could, but I don't regret the sex to be honest. I trusted the guy I did it with, and I was emotionally mature enough to handle it, so I really have no regrets. Sex is good, and he wore a condom.

You should not be having sexesies. Your WAYYY to young mister@

yeah well my age hasn't stopped me from doing a lot of things lol. Besides, protected sex is a lot more healthy than fuckin acid, and I'm a thirsty guy, what can I say?

and now tell me just pure sex

i can last as long as the top does, which tends to be 5-6 mins maybe?? idk, i don't usually time it lol, but thats how long it seems

Ryan you are a strong independent white boy who don't need no tengaged. Stay away that place is addicting and evil. As much as I want you to come back DON't. messes up your brain ya.

"strong independent white boy"
hahahahha <3333

your a hairycccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccunt

hahahahahah you're*

8=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~me rite now

sick bastard tbh

Im not in your shoes and I can compare to your situation, but shouldn't tengaged be something to distract ypu from the drug and alcohol use? Like something to keep your time occupied.

In theory, sure. In reality, it became a place where I distracted myself from my real problems.


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