
I Am Batgirl ;)

Ask @Kieraox

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10 prettiest girls in your year?

Maggie, Sophie rowlings, Mollie ley, Sam Pryce, Elle Jones, Charlie wood, Beth clay, Tiffany Bridlington, Tahne Roberts and Sophie Mullinder there are loads more though

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What's the best news you've ever received?

if I'm honest a lot of the news I receive is good and I don't really know which news I've received is the best to be honest
Liked by: James Davies

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

probably a mate or family and I would ask for opinion on someone
Liked by: James Davies

How will you celebrate the end of the world?

Well the world isn't going to end and I wouldn't celebrate because if it did end I'd be dead what's to celebrate about being dead

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

I'm thinking of a flower on the foot or ankle or musical note somewhere


Language: English