

Ask @LancerD1984

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what would you do with $7,000 right now?

It's hard to say. The things in life I truly desire don't cost money. I suppose I would use it to help pay bills and better my family's financial problems.

is being a nice person enough to survive in this world? if not, what other quality must you have?

Lots of qualities that differ depending on the kind of person you are.

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Do you like long hair or short hair better on others?

It depends on the person. Some are better at pulling off one or the other while some few can pull off both styles. I've been told I can go both ways. =P

do you like being in a movie theater alone?

I don't like being in a movie theater at all. Makes me feel extremely anxious

If someone does the nicest thing for you how would you repay them? With Hugs, Money or Beings friends with em? Something!

Depends who that person was. I'm very uncomfortable with doing anything with or for someone unless I'm truly comfortable with that person.

Is global warming real? What do you think will happen?

The stars will lower and begin living among us. We will be forced into slavery and have to build their Star Roads.

How's the new area that you moved into treating you?

Meh, it's not bad. Just wish it was closer to stores and everything.

what advice would u give to an alcoholic?

I've never drank alcohol so I'm not the one to ask but drink responsibly. =P

Who is your biggest mentor?

I don't really have a mentor, per say. I look up to and have the utmost respect for my best friend, while not really being a mentor, but close, I suppose.

would u ever break the straight edge thing and drink wine with your best friend if she wanted to?

If she wanted me to, it's something I would definitely consider.

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

I highly doubt it. It would take some serious convincing for me to agree to that. I just don't think it's my style.

How often do you get Anxiety attacks?

Constantly, everyday. But it also really depends on the situation and what I'm going through.

Do you like any Rap music Atleast one or two?

I'm really not into rap. The only rapper I like would be Dr. Dre.

How fast do you fall asleep?

Lately, I haven't been sleeping properly. There's something really bothering me and I can't even find the proper comfort or state of mind to relax and be able to even think about falling asleep.

Did you ever get addicting talking or calling your Closest friends?

You could say I'm addicted to my best friend. One day not talking to her sends my anxiety through the roof. I'm not even joking.

If you were one of the stars of destiny, which would you be?

Tenyu Star. The star of Heroic Ferocity. Fits me perfectly~

What do you refuse to pay for?

Society's mistakes. I will not be held down by the mistakes of the past and keep moving forward! I will keep up the good fight!

Oh and have you ever seen Final fantasy 7 advent children? Its a one badass movie!

I bought it at a pawn shop for $2. It was alright. Nothing too special.

And Did you ever get camera shy When you first do a vlog?

Never really been camera shy. But I sometimes would rather not be on camera depending on my mood and state of mind.
Liked by: Black King king kal


Language: English