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What makes you strong?

Meh. I'm not strong, not really. Any strength I have comes from God and his Word, the Bible. I myself, am not strong.

What would be the perfect gift for you?

A Hastings gift card. Barring that- just be there. I don't need a gift, I just need the people I love to be safe.

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

Uh... I don't know... the same thing as anyone I guess. What they look like.

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

Yeah. I enjoy alcohol, but I'd be fine if I couldn't have it.

How much would it cost to buy your love?

Nothing- my Love is not for sale. He's mine. xD But in the way you actually mean this question, still nothing.

Do you regret anything?

I regret not being there for her. I regret that I wasn't strong enough, and I regret the way I treated my family and the world in general for so many years. I regret that when I look back on my early years, all I see is the pain I caused others. And I regret, most of all, that I don't regret a thing, because all of it together made me who I am.

Would you prefer to have the power to fly or be invisible?

Fly. I'd love to be able to truly touch the sky- to fly above the cloud-carpet and feel the wind on my face and run my fingers through the clouds...

What are some small things that make you happy?

Talking to Love, cookies, Tiff's smile, my mom's scent, my dad's laugh, my sisters' bickering, lasagna, cake, a good comedy, Janet Evanovitch, a late summer storm when the skies are clouded and you can practically feel the lighting, but it's just barely raining and the world feels so ALIVE you could die from it... I could go on, but the truth is- even with all the horrible things that have happened to me, I love life. And living it- living it makes me happy.

What is your favorite summer song?

Meh. I'm not sure if it's a summer song, but it suits the mood I get thinking about that. "Today", I have no idea who originally sang it. "Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine, I'll taste your strawberries, I'll drink your sweet wine..."

What song makes you want to dance?

A lot of songs- it depends on the beat. A few are: "Demons" by Imagine Dragons, "Numa Numa" by O-Zone, "Take Over Control" by Afro Jack and Eva Simons, "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira... the list goes on.

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Nothing. Knowledge rarely has an impact on fear, and I am terrified of heights.


Language: English