

Ask @Lovestonedxx

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Things that piss you off?

Idk a lot of things I guess but mainly the people that can't take a joke :P

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Srsly why are u so loud in class

Ahahah lol I think you need to get your hearing checked coz honestly I don't think I even talk that loud/much :P but back to my point get your ears checked just in case :)

Awe you don't deserve any of this :( You're very pretty and even if I don't know you I like you! You seem like a great friend, all those anon bitches can back the fuck off or stop being pussies and come off anon. Lol I love you <3

Aww thanx :) you seem nice too :) Ahaha I love Hun <3

You know what... I think this anon should leave nagle... Not only would it give more space for someone 10 times better than anon but no one will have to put up with her crap... Oh and I think anon should stop eating cause with anon gone we can fit an extra 10 people in nagle...creating drama herself

Yeah but people don't take the hint now do they? And as Sukhi said they should have their face ping ponged <3

Btw u should stop eating

Oh honey it's gonna take a lot more than this to make me stop eating so until then keep dreaming

You should move from Nagle like nobody FUCKING cares if you leave..... Because ur just a piece of shit that taking up space so if you leave at least someone better can be there. Your so annoying even in class srsly nobody needs to know ur drama

Yeah well, 1- if I'm that annoying just tell me who you are and maybe we can talk about it at school 2- it's not your place to decide if I should move schools or not 3- I really want to say stuff to you but I'm not because I don't want to be mean, but i will say this 'Just SHUT UP and stuff your self'

Did that person call you or me a B***** whoever they did this person is getting it... Bro if your think your so tough then get off anon!!! I will come at you so hard that you wish you never said that!

Yeah let's go together :) they can get themselves stuffed for all I care. <3

What a damn right idiot that person... This person must have never touched a mirror on the inside... What a low life

Haha true that :) but oh wells it's someone's opinion, they have the right to say it :P

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