

Ask @ManOnAUnicorn

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Thoughts :)

Maggie_Mai’s Profile PhotoMaggie ✌️
Well, tbh, you're pretty fricken great, like I mean I trust you with everything, we talk about everything you are so talented with everything you try and I'm glad we are talking again :) you really are one of the best people I've met :) and hey! Don't be so harsh on Chester Greeny! ;P

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Where do you like to read?

Boy, Ask, have I been waiting for this question my whole life! Well I like to read in a slightly cool and somewhat damp room with a big of heat to keep me warm and cool. I then wish for the place to be smelling of pine or maple syrup. The only thing missing from this perfect setting for only the finest literature to be read, is I don't read. :)

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

Well yeah, I mean even if you don't have enough money to do what you want why not make someone's day by saying "keep the change" or giving someone a buck laying outside alone. Everyone needs a pick me up.
Liked by: mason mercer

T- your my bro! are you coming over this week? you always know how to help me especially when I really need it which is way to often :( but thanks for not leaving! W- hang soon! E- yeah in like grade 4 R- 8 K- diss

Yeah yeah, we can hang this week... And I knew you liked me in grade 4 I KNEW it! XD
Liked by: mason mercer


Language: English