

Ask @MatthewMensah

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last physical fight &&+ with who

January.... I was on the bus and a random guy juss hit me and we was fighting on the bus

Body count means how many people you have slept with. Awe you're innocent :). That's good

Lol ok

Lls I'm guessing you're a virgin if you don't know what a body count is?

Um yeah....wtf is that?

My mommma let me back home :) but fuck ohio on Stone they dont want no problemd

Lol hell naw....smh iight

What do you think of Sharon?

She's beautiful and really pretty.. Can sing and love white boys over Africans

We were going to knock you out good thing you stopped talking boy.

Boy.... y'all some fuck boys.. Y'all still talking shit, why wasn't you talking before convention?? Nobody got time for you, Eric and the rest of y'all fuck boy,be a real nigga and mention me on Twitter instead of asking me anonymously


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